Hello - I am in my first Kin-strife game. I’m loving the theme and details of the Kin-strife variant, quite a lot, actually. But…things aren’t quite like any other MEPBM variant I am playing in regards to the level of communication that is taking place, between team members and with the Neutrals. It feels as close to a Gunboat game as anything that isn’t actually marked as a Gunboat game.
Is this common? Does Kin-strife draw in less communicative, less team-oriented players than the other variants, or is my experience unusual for Kin-strife? One game does not give me enough insight to know.
There are less total players in Kin-strife (14 max vs. 25 max), so while this may have something to do with it, there’s a lot less than 50% of the communication that normally takes place, so it seems to be more than this factor to me.
All thoughts and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.