Great questions. This is one of the least-understood aspects of the game, at least in the realm of “public lore”. Maybe some old-timers know more details. My suspicions as to the answers to your questions are:
is the ring bearer protected against a 930 and does not show up on PC ?
I’d expect the opposition to have a x2scout high level agent camped on Mt Doom if your’re in a game with a one-ring pursuit that is known by the opposition. Therefore, expect the enemy to know the name of your ringbearer. Also expect the enemy to know your ringbearer’s name via LAT (though it’s very difficult to successfully cast). Given that the ringbearer must issue two ONE RING orders, you have to have sufficient other very-high challenge characters and a very high ScoChar at mt doom the turn the ringbearer is to do his thing so that you can win “first challenge” against all enemy characters and ensure you know who they all are. You probably also want lots of agents there to guard the ringbearer.
is he more difficult to rob / kill ?
The biggest risk is curses. A curse company can be adjacent to 3423 and can “automatically” whack your ringbearer.
can the ring be robbed ?
sure. why not?
does the ring give him extra challenge bonus ?
does the turn report say there’s extra challenge on the ringbearer? If not, I’d guess the answer is “no”
As you play this through, please keep the Forum apprised of how things go. Some questions I’d add to yours are:
a. Does the ringbearer find it hard to not “lose” the one ring as he/she moves toward 3423?
b. Do you have the ring on a low-level character (i’ve heard that’s better) or high level character? any observations?
c. did the ringbearer’s stats change at all when wielding the one ring?
I’ve never been in a game where the One Ring was found. If I were to hazard a guess, however, I would assume it adds stealth to the bearer. Think about it, you can go invisible with it in the literary works. In game mechanics I’d assume that translates to added stealth. The question is, will it add stealth to a character that does not possess stealth already? So in the end, my guess is that it does not “protect” the wearer from a 930 order, but any added stealth would make it more difficult to locate the bearer using that order.
As a stealth aretfact adds stealth no matter if you have stealth or not (Bracers of Mist and the rest), I would think so does the one Ring. But if you have the Ring you should see it in your stats. In BOFA Bilbo gets +40 stealth and this is easiely seen on the pdf. If you see no stealth increase you will most probably not get a stealth increase.
In the works, you would become invisible, and Sauron could supposedly see you…not so stealthy if you’re a Freep. BOFA is a very specific scenario where Bilbo took part and used the ring, so the creators of BOFA gave him the stealth for fun - note, it is a Player Created scenario.
Recent work done shows no stats and a high probability of losing it. Assume they all know you and prepare for that. Somewhat counting chickens before they hatch, though…you have to hold onto it first…
None of this from experience, because I and my team dont do one ring pursuits, but I think the “weaker character can hold onto it longer” theme was a bad guess by someone a long time ago that somehow has become modern myth, so to speak. From what I have heard from many other old time player (or long time players) is that strong and weak alike lose it easily.
As for added stealth, no it does not. It does not help you avoid 930’s any better, and no extra challenge bonus. I am not 100% sure about these, but confident.
In a recent game I played we took the Ring with Elrond, losing it the following turn…
The sheet didn’t report any Stealth nor Challenge bonuses…
What I know, even if it is unconfirmed, is that the Ringbearer cannot be the target of any spells nor can he cast any (no Movement spells, no healing spells, so Locate Character spells, no Curses…).
Moreover his movement will be randomly limited: he won’t move all the hexes you’we asked him to do, but will stop before. This may reflect the burden of the Ring.
As a matter of facts I can say that locating and retrieving the Ring is not difficult at all, what seems to be very very hard is not to lose it quickly…
The ring has an evil alignment, and as such, I guess it wouldn’t grant any bonus to a FP or Neutral carrying it. Perhaps this is the reason for the dilemma?