All v All Neutral game

All v All Neutral updated rules

Here's the updated rules - see the end conditions in particular. Nations not available to play are Northmen and Quiet Avenger. The rest are available to be picked from.

So what I need from you now

Name, Account, nations you want to play in order, 2 or 1 nation, allies that you are with. Game will start as soon as I get all 14 nations in (probably Monday) so if you're still interested get in touch with the above information for then.

Rules (please note that I am playing)

1) List of nations you want to play (2 nations aren't played so you don't need to list them from the list of nations that are not in play). With players running 2 nations please list your nations in order of desire. Players with one nation will get priority.

2) List of allies (you are allowed to join up with a maximum of one player). That information will be given out at game start in the Front Sheet. List of players running duos and singles. You may discuss any start-up details with them before the game (not with ANY other players in the game). Note alliances are not binding. J

3) Your name and account number and number of nations, along with list.

4) When 9 nations are removed from play (this includes drops and nations not being played) then the game will end the following turn. There's a minimum of 15 turns (so on turn 16 is the earliest that the game can end). (See 7 below).

5) Allegiance = Neutral throughout, no changing allegiance is allowed.

6) QA and NM are not in play. They are still on the map BUT they are not allowed to be impacted in ANY manner. The other nations are impactable - so you can 525 them etc.

7) No replacement of players

8) Defining Win: We use the Istari rating as a relative success ratio. Highest ratio wins.

9) 20 points set-up (see below). When you get your first turn send that information back to us BEFORE the turn goes. If you are using AM or MEOW then you need to modify the data when you import it to enable you to do any particular orders (eg if you add 10 Command to Elrond then you'll need to modify the turn so that he has Command if you want to put orders in. For AM just click in the stat box for that character and amend.)

10) Turn ends: If the game reaches its end conditions (ie 9 players removed from play) then we will SS the turns the turn after that to end the game. (It's a program requirement that we do so).

Istari rating for the 10th position as the mean for that nation (from the current list on the PRS site). You get your Victory points (with VCs included) divided by that 10th position for a rating value.

For reference: Nation: VPs (without VCs) 1: 1117, 2: 900, 3: 925, 4: 1275, 5: 1175, 6: 1225, 7: 1350, 8: 1167, 9: 1450, 10: 1500, 11, 1283, 12: 1017, 13: 1184, 14: 1150, 15: 1125, 16: 1042, 17: 1450, 18: 1117, 19: 1233, 20: 1342, 21: 1550, 22: 1583, 23: 1300, 24: 925, 25: 1400. So if as the Woodmen you scored 1500 VPs then you're overall rating for this game would be 1500/1117 = 1.34. but we will use the most modern data for this when the game ends.

Each nation will start off Neutral, with disliked relations to everyone in the game, that INCLUDES your second nation if you are playing 2 and any allies..

20 points to characters: You can allocate 2x10 or 20 or 10 points on one character and 10 on another. These points can be added to a characteristic of any character but can't be added to Stealth, nor can they bring that stat above 40, nor if you increase Mage rank do you get an extra spell.

The 2 nations not played cannot be affected in ANYWAY - no steal gold, assassinates, capture pcs, or anything at all. The other nations can be affected as you wish and count towards the 9 dead nations. They might well stop your armies moving through if you are of the wrong relations. With the set-up I'll send out everyone's contact details - after that I'll remove them (for admin reasons at our end). No more than 2 players can join together. 3 Winners at the end of the game. Set-up cost: standard variant rate.



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