So fancy a trip down memory lane?
>But the flavor seems likely to be more like original
pre-email 1650.? Remember sending 3x5 contact cards
through the postal service?? Those were the days...
:)? Good luck with this one!
-- Ernie III
I always sent 3x5's to all my teammates, and
inevitably, the few I'd hear back from were on
opposite ends of the map.
Then, one miraculous game, it happened again - I was
the QA and my most responsive teammate was the WK -
but with happy results. The WK player was Jeremy R.,
and he sent me the pre-email Holy Grail: all the
starting position info AND a nifty little hex map of
the whole ME-PBM world. Gold!
Of course, I remember when the bus cost a nickel, too.
Dan N
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At 15:40 04/12/07, you wrote:
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