Anyone For A New 2950 GunBoat?

ME Games says they’re not starting a 2950 GB right away.

That’s about the only format I’m interested in anymore.

Can we get a show of hands for who’s interested in spending money on a 2950 GB?

Furthermore, I’m curious to see how many are interested in a NO-DROP 2950 GB.

Cast yer votes, please.

  • Steven K. Mariner

Hey Steve,
Some time, no speak. I hope you are doing well. May I ask, what is 2950 gunboat like in comparison to 1650 gunboat? In comparison to 2950 regular (how do nation collapses playout differently?).

I am curious about this as it might serve to interest me in 2950 gunboat.

The White Wizard is usually bankrupted by turm 5-7 and the QA is available to become a 3rd nation for someone.

Rhun generally gets hammered against a good DoL/LR player losing 2 villages and a camp on T2 and Mistrand on T3.

Khand is not in the game. Cors/WW are DS – Duns/Rhun are FP

Personally I think the pairings should be tweaked a bit or at least looked at.

Personally I think the pairings should be tweaked a bit or at least looked at.

We’ve done some changes to 1650 so it can be done - what would you suggest?

Clint (GM)

My opinion on 2950 GB as a player - it’s slow to get going but has some interesting end-game situations.

WW I agree - definitely in a dangerous position but then again it can be defended.

Clint (player)

Not against competent competition. Duns can out recruit him 800 to 400-500 and The Rohan army from 2121 should help out. He should lose all his pop centers other than Angrenost and 2 camps in the Mistys by T4. If Rohan is willing to splat on the walls he will likely bankrupt by T5.


I am not sure how to fix things. I have a couple of suggestions depending on the level of change you want to consider/implement.

1918 WW pop center, gets a fort instead of tower
4318 RE pop center, gets fort

Added changes

As for nation pairing changes I would switch the pairs to


WW/CL CL agents could help the WW perhaps

WK/IK IK Names 40A and their combined mages could snag a few arties

Dk Lts/QA QA can help support Dk Lts heavy character costs and Dk Lts have CotA, Tormog and Carrog. Dk Lts have command arties to help the lowly QA commanders.


Noldo/Rhun Noldo economic might is best suited to help Rhun survive losing 2villages and a camp on T2-3 Rhun has terrible characters with no great SNA’s

Rohan/Woodmen A better pair than Rohan/Rhun. Woodmen have some long term potential for agents and Dun/SG land is prime for WM camps to survive the terrible winter production

I am not saying this is the answer but I think it could make a fairer game at least with nation pairings

My 02


Happy to have it discussed. Note any change of balance to one nation changes the dynamic of the game over all. So if you improve the WW, then to be fair I’d say the QA would have to be reduced.


Okay I’ve been checking around and there’s definitely some interest here so I’ll try to get it going. So far 4 players expressed an interest so need 8 more.

As to making it no-drop etc I’ll see what the players feel as it’s more difficult to fill a 2950 GB than a 1650 (ie less variety)


Is anyone up for a 1-week turn around? A 2-week game takes almost a year to play.

Would there be a price reduction for a 1 week GB game?


Same reduction - 1wk: if you were playing 2 nations you get a 20% discount if you play 2 or more nations. (No other reductions apply for this).


Now upto 5 players


I lack the experience to answer your questions; however, some very experienced voices have already done so.

Good to see you again. Hopefully on the battlefield again sometime.

Still wish this damned game had a random map every time. sigh

Oh, well.

Why not play 1000 if you want a random map?
