Army combat question

In one hex, let’s say we have four armies, each from a different nation. Army A and Army B are both FP, Army C and Army D are both DS.

If all four army commanders issue order 230, we will end up up with a giant A+B vs C+D battle, right? At least most of the time - someone might get a “your army found no enemies to fight” message.

BUT, what if everyone issues order 235? A and C target each other, and B and D target each other. Do we still get a giant A+B vs C+D battle, or will we get 2 smaller engagements simultaneously?

And what if A and B both 235 targeting C, while C and D don’t issue attack orders? Does C get gang-banged while D sits it out? Or does D join in automatically?

And what if, instead of four different nations, A and B are both armies of the same FP nation? Would that change anything? Could one nation have 2 separate engagements against two separate opponents in the same hex on the same turn, or would it end up as one big battle?

And what if there’s an undeclared neutral army in a hex with a FP and a DS army, and everyone has hated relations to each other, and everyone issues a 230 order? Do we get a giant free-for-all, or will the Newt be randomly (or not so randomly) assigned a side?

All good questions that define success and failure in many games.

To question #1, you are correct, one big battle against your enemies. The only kink is if any of the armies was at one time a neutral that has turned DS or FP, but has not had a chance to modify relations with some of his allies or enemies. The ONLY time anyone receives the message “your army found no enemies to fight” is when a pending battle involves one of the original neutral nations where you or your opposition has failed to modify relations.

To question #2, two smaller battles will occur.
To question #3, army A and B can attack just “C” while ignoring “D”. The key is they belong to different nations. The only way for “D” to become involved is if he initiates attack orders in your scenario, otherwise he remains on the sidelines, which is sometimes a desired choice.

To Q #4, one nation with two armies can issues orders to each commander to attack separate nations with the 235 order. Each battle is separate on your end. Your opponents could each issue 230 orders and attack each of your armies, but you still can carry out your 235 orders. Much depends on what each player is trying to achieve in the hex or the battle.

To Q #5, an undeclared neutral will not be able to “hate” any original FP or DS nation. The best he can downgrade any FP or DS nations is to “dislike”. An “undeclared” neutral can dislike a FP and DS at the same time. If the undeclared neutral issued a 230 order, then he would be attacking everyone he dislikes. In your example, both the FP and DS can attack not only each other but the neutral army as well if they modify their relations. In summary the neutral army is not forced to fight in any battle or join any side unless the neutral nation has modified his relations to dislike with any of the armies in the hex. But the neutral army is at risk of being attacked. Now on to diplomacy. :wink:
