What is the best way to get artifacts in the ocean? Thanks in advance.
The only way you could normally get it is by a boat, you need a MAGE best used to get the artifact in a… anyone, anyone, a NAVY! You need to be in a Navy to pick-up or find such artifacts much more difficult sometimes to find a piece of wood drifting in the sea like (ie: Tinculin #15). Happy Hunting
More specifically: Is the 900 order the only way to find artifacts at sea or is there a better way? I imagine you can’t get encounters? It sounds like 900 at sea is VERY difficult. I already know that FindArt is extremely difficult as it is, requiring, in my experience, a 70 to 100+ rank depending on the level of the artifact. This makes the prospect of hunting arties at sea daunting.
Anyone can 900. Artifacts that are dropped, ie, when someone is killed in combat, are quite easy and non-mages often meet success. Mages of a lower level are usually successful at sea, all those 40’s and 50’s pick up the toys within a try or two in the early game. You don’t have to find a way to give Murazor a navy to get them.
I find the best way isn’t:
To play the QA, waste three turns in the sea and on the turn you finally pick it up, have the newly freep-declared Corsairs sail in and sink the navy and artifact back to the bottom of the deeps.
Full fathom five, Collohwesta lies.