Automagic and Excel 2003


I have excel 2003 on my laptop, and whenever I try to import the .xml file into automagic I get a bad or corrupt error. I can do it fine on my desktop at home running excel 2000. I couldn’t find a thread on the forums, has anyone run into this problem, and if so, does anyone know how to fix it?



Just rename the .xml file to .txt

It should work fine


A strange fix, but it works, so I won’t complain. Thanks for the info.

It’s something to do with the latest version of Office and Excel.


I am having the same problem. I tried renaming the xml file but it didn’t work.
Could you please explain how you renamed the file.

Thanks in advance.


If you right click on the xml file under windows explorer (or even My Computer), you should get a small menu with an option rename.

Select this and change the file name from ‘g001n02t003.xml’ to ‘g001n02t003.txt’ the you can import the turn as normal under Excel.


I’m using Excel 2004 (for Mac) and I get the same sort of message, but it gives me the option to import as text, which works about 2/3 of the time. I didn’t have this problem with my ancient version of Excel.

Microsoft have changed the way they use xml with thier schema in Excel 2003 and above, which is causing these problems.

Now that I’ve run a few more turns I’m finding that my latest Excel version crashes at two points…xml import and send turn button. Usually no problem as the data backup is decent, but a bit frustrating.

I’m having the same problem. 17 turns ran like clockwork, now I can’t imput my xml. I tried changing the xml to txt, no go. Anybody got any other ideas? Thanks.
