Hya guys - quick reminder - you should really be using the most upto date version of AM that you can. It deals with many of the minor issues that you might have come across in earlier versions and also some of the MAJOR ones. Soon we will no longer be allowing orders from AM less than version e for reference due to the problems (that have been fixed in later versions) inherent in using incompatible software (this helps you guys!)
There are many older versions of AM - they are called A-D for 2005 (and 2004). Mike then called the new one AutoMagic2006a1.xls - use that if you can.
If not use the latest versions where you can. It only takes a couple of minutes to update your latest turns and it has many useful features (the red triangle icon on your character, location etc: if you hover the mouse over it will give you information on Army size, artefacts, spells etc).