Balanced Games

I've been told many times that MEGames tries to balance the games before they set up. It might be worth considering a rating for the games when their set up is final to compare against the results. This might eventually provide some insight into whether the current "balancing formula" needs some work and where that work might be best directed.

This is motivated after suffering through my 3rd tragically horrid Indie game in a row.



It's often to do with the Neutrals. Some neutrals go in with a gameplan but no allies - that's allowed. I can't comment on the latest game but the game before had the Eothraim blow up early and no doubt that had an impact.

There is no formula as such. I look for players of similar skill, team-play and experience and split them. Then I let you guys decide the outcome.


I've been told many times that MEGames tries to balance the games before they set up. It might be worth considering a rating for the games when their set up is final to compare against the results. This might eventually provide some insight into whether the current "balancing formula" needs some work and where that work might be best directed.

This is motivated after suffering through my 3rd tragically horrid Indie game in a row.



     Middle Earth Games Ltd

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At 20:05 27/06/08, you wrote:


Middle Earth Games Ltd

Website: <>

Email: <>

Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)

Hi Brad,
One of the things the PRS should have achieved - before it got lost in a
mire of too many cooks and too many over-sensitive divas - was a way to
give us more balanced games. But I suspect that you have more to say
than you express above. How exactly would such a solution operate?


On 27/06/2008 Brad Brunet wrote:

I've been told many times that MEGames tries to balance the games
before they set up. It might be worth considering a rating for the
games when their set up is final to compare against the results. This
might eventually provide some insight into whether the current
"balancing formula" needs some work and where that work might be best


  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Once you figure out how VPs are awarded, its not that hard to come up
with a good score if your nation doesnt get hammered. Does that make
PRS a real measure of your skill or just your knowledge of how to do
things to make a big score without actually helping your allies?
Some of the best players end up with the worst scores because they
are out there on the front lines actually fighting hard for your team
to win.

I have a few big scores and most of them are from gunboats. I do
know how to get my 500 points for armies, characters, gold and pop
centers. Do I do it every game, no.


--- In, "Laurence G. Tilley" <lgtilley@...>

> I've been told many times that MEGames tries to balance the games
> before they set up. It might be worth considering a rating for


> games when their set up is final to compare against the results.


> might eventually provide some insight into whether the current
> "balancing formula" needs some work and where that work might be


> directed.

Hi Brad,
One of the things the PRS should have achieved - before it got lost

in a

mire of too many cooks and too many over-sensitive divas - was a

way to

give us more balanced games. But I suspect that you have more to



On 27/06/2008 Brad Brunet wrote:
than you express above. How exactly would such a solution operate?


  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]