"Open" game vs a Grudge game. Indie - independent, regular game where you ask for 3 nations and get Rhuduar.
----- Original Message ----
From: David Crane <dazedandconfused@blueyonder.co.uk>
To: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 3:03:25 PM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] Balanced Games
What's an Indie?
PS I'm sure it's obvious but I never was very bright.
Well, actually, I don't have much more to say in drilling down to "what I'd like to see". I can babble on about almost anything, of course....
I can see Clint with a little notebook jot down what factors led to his decisions to put Bob here and Sally there and pencil in some predictions. Then after the game, take a look at how it ended up vs the vision in the first place.
My last 3 1650 Indie games have fallen apart before turn 10, blame the neutrals if you want... This latest, Game 87, is seeing most of the DS quitting after Turn 5 results have run. Now this game might go on and we might be in a bug hunt scenario, so "technically" it won't "end" on Turn 6. A game ago we played 13 vs 1 for 8 or so turns (damnable Cloudy only quit when we were about to finally burn the last 2 MT's he'd been collecting.. .). Not that big a deal (at least in this one the player(s) involved have communicated. ..) but it's not a "real" game and players are wandering away. These are not "balanced". Coincidental run of bad luck? Not sure, others are complaining this is it and they're leaving...
So, for all the talk of "balancing" games, I'm not going to say MEGames/Clint doesn't do it right or well enough, I'm simply asking for a best practice process to follow up and see if there are other considerations whereby the "formula" for balancing games can be changed - or - simply fill them up without balancing and see if there's really a difference - because a Turn 5 concession is *not* a "balanced" game. If someone thinks it is, well... Scientific process - theorize, experiment, analyze results, refine/change, etc.
----- Original Message ----
From: Laurence G. Tilley <lgtilley@morespeed. net>
To: mepbmlist@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 6:09:37 PM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] Balanced Games
On 27/06/2008 Brad Brunet wrote:
I've been told many times that MEGames tries to balance the games
before they set up. It might be worth considering a rating for the
games when their set up is final to compare against the results. This
might eventually provide some insight into whether the current
"balancing formula" needs some work and where that work might be best
Hi Brad,
One of the things the PRS should have achieved - before it got lost in a
mire of too many cooks and too many over-sensitive divas - was a way to
give us more balanced games. But I suspect that you have more to say
than you express above. How exactly would such a solution operate?
Laurence G. Tilley http://www.lgtilley .co.uk/
http://www.buav. org
<http://www.buav. org/>
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