Balanced Games

In a message dated 6/29/2008 7:52:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I do... :slight_smile: Some players are able to take a hit better than others. Some
quit at the first set-back, but mostly players who play ME a fair bit have
the ability to take a set-back or five I've found.


LOL -- is mainly what is happening in game 87 right now -- most of us even
though we relize the game is for all practical purposes a losing one for us --
have decided to play on , some even taking over nations from the others that
don't want to continue -- after all 5 turns isnt enough and we decided we
didn't get pounded on enough yet by the freeps -- so will be an interesting and
probably still a short game of 9 evils against 13 freeps (didn't include QA
as when Corsairs jumps on 2137 he is out )

Not to mention we all payed money to play in a game and 5 turns is just to
short in my book -- so freeps in 87 if want us out -- take us out :slight_smile:


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