a nation goes bakrupt after combat phase when his capital is taken. Are the orders of the eliminated player for the remainder of the turn processed? (do assassination orders for example still get processed?)
I am confused. When a nation goes bankrupt for whatever reason during a turn what happens?
all of his PCs and Characters dissapear "ZAP "instantly?
his characters and PCs waste away within a a certain time frame
his characters and PCs waste away within a a certain time frame AND are given default orders (like when you miss a turn).
Nothing happens except player no longer controls nation
Does the GM have any role in putting out of play an emliminated nation?
Thanks. [/b]
Characters stay around for 4-6 turns (estimate) – Some PC’s will degrade the turn the player is eliminated, some will not. Large/fortified PC will stick around, has been my experience.
VC characters will stay in the game and be listed as Elrond - Unknown instead of Elrond Noldo Elves via a 930 order. No orders are given for an eliminated nation. If you have double agents they remain on your turn sheet with no orders processed. Hostages will escape also I believe.
Incorrect. The eliminated nation also has his relations shifted to neutral towards everyone in the game so eliminated fortified pop centers will stop allied army movement.
Orders are processed the entire turn. The capital is temporarily shifted to the next highest level PC i.e. town/village/camp with the highest loyalty after the capital falls. At 949 if a new MT/City is not transferred then nation is eliminated. You can get assassinated by a soon to be (end of the turn eliminated nation). You could even have your capital flipped by emmys of the possible eliminated nation and that become his/her capital. You can lose multiple capitals in the same turn.
Even if the nation bankrupts (which is different that be eliminated due to no MT or greater) I believe the orders are processed for the turn and the degradation is as mentioned above. PC’s may disappear faster due to hiking of the tax rate to over 100% but they don’t all vaporize on the same turn generally.
I don’t swear by any of this but I think most of it paints a quasi accurate picture though I am sure there is someone out there knows the exact way it occurs.
I am confused. When a nation goes bankrupt for whatever reason during a turn what happens?
Thanks. [/b]
As has been mentioned, backrupt is slightly different from losing your cap. If you bankrupt, nothing can bring you back, not even a gold transfer during 948. You can get a cap at the end of the turn and survive.
For all eliminated nations, armies stick around as long as their food stocks do, then they disband. PCs degrade (even with fortifications) until they disappear. Any characters of that nation that are hostages escape. Characters have no orders and do not refuse challenge as they do during SS turns.
Can’t speak to the relations/blocking movement, though.
If you have a doubled character he will remain on your list of double agents, but his orders are something like “no information” or along those lines, same thing if you use the spell that gives his orders.
He will disappear after a while, I assume its 8 turns as thats usually when the inactive characters become unrecruitable, but I dont usually count these things! :>