Boat question

Is the following correct:

If an army of another nation transfers its boats to an army of my nation in the same hex…
a) my army will become a navy at that exact moment during the turn ?
b) however if my army is bigger than the carrying capacity of the transports being transported to me, my army will immidiately anchor these ships in the hex.

Are these two statements correct?

So if my army was too big to use the boats it could “retire some troops” and “pick-up ships” the turn of receiving the ships?


If you have more troops than the transferred transports can handle, your army will not become a ‘navy’ at any point in the turn. Your army will have the ships attached, but still be considered an army; they will not automatically become anchored (but will of course anchor if your receiving army moves). Hth.

OK thanks, that’s exactly what I needed to know

OK thanks, that’s exactly what I needed to know.