Turn 0
The Elves, Dwarves and Northmen having heard rumors of escalating forces of the Goblins and Warg riders have begun to put their nations on war footing, and have agreed to an alliance to take down these evil underlings of Sauron.
Turn 1
Elven armies were recruited and increased at Mithrond, Crug Abarr, Kelume and Tuilindo. All armies set on the march in varies patrolling patterns with each of the destinations being the foot of Mountain fortified town of Sarn Goriwing.
While en route near the camp of Tol Pantir, the Elven Capital army under the Command of Lord Ohtar himself intercepted a Warg Rider army attempting to surreptiously sneak through the Elven lines.
The Elven scouts reported an amassing of the forces of Sauron at the bases of the eastern and western slopes of the Lonely Mountain.
The Northmen led a stunning attack against the camp of Angrest.
Hordes of Dwarven armies marched toward the home turf of the Goblins, preparing to unleash overwhelming onslaughts upon the despicable Goblins who deserve every ounce of anger and angst that the Dwarves would perpetrate.
Turn 2
The Elven armies from Kelume and Tuilindo destroyed the Warg Rider camp of Lag Suif.
Legolas went on a daring mission and stole 2300 gold out of the vaults of Lag Scorba. Lindal went along with Legolas and also gain a boon of 3200 gold. Bilbo Baggins met up with his Elven friends and also took 1850 from the vault of Lag Scorba.
Tharanduil took his cavalry army and all of the infantry he could scrounge along his marching path to the summit of Sarn Goriwing, preparing to assault to Warg Rider stronghold.
Dain threatened the pitiful denizens and friends of the dark at Kargas. They quickly decided to see the light and join the Coalition of Free Peoples. Dain then marched his massive infantry force of 3000 to the Major Goblin Town of Valiana. Warlord Bolg met him there with a force that was dwarven (pun intended) in comparison in a vein attempt to protect Valaina.
Unfortunately, the forces of the dark managed to out flank the pickets of the Free and have wound up in the Northmen Village of Mijesic and Northmen Town of Buhr Edhel
Turn 3
On the fields of Buhr Gasag, Goblin Captain Gashbuz destroyed Camthalion’s small division of foot soldiers. But, before Gashbuz could quit the field with his army the reinforcements under the Elven Banner of Argaldor have arrived.
Tharanduil quickly took Sarn Goriwing under the protection of the Elves. While atop the walls of this new Elven haven, he spotted the Village of Lamina a short march to the north flying the flag of the Necromancer. No wasting time, he put spur to flank and arrived there with his just victorious forces.
Dain burnt Valaina to the ground and salted the earth after steamrollering over the forces of Bolg. As Bolg was running for his life, brave Bilbo Baggins hopped out from behind a boulder and tried to take Bolg out. Unfortunately, one of Bolg’s few remaining body guards espied Bilbo, and crushed his skull with a mace. Alas, poor Bilbo . . .
The servants of the dark also burnt of Mijesic and Buhr Edhel to the ground. They then marched onto and encircled Nuath. The poor citizens were trapped between their walls and the river. At least a force of Northmen (though far too few) are there. Perhaps they can prevent the downfall of Nuath?
Having seen the great extent of carnage, the Lord Ohtar ordered Dorlas to recruit a heavily weaponed and armored force out of Crug Abarr to help stem the damage in the Northmen home territory.
Turn 4
Seeing the straights of their Northmen allies, the Elves signed the pact of Crug Abarr with the Northmen – effectively giving all control of Crug Abarr to the Northmen and giving their citizens a safe place of respite.
Dorlas marched forth with an army of 800 from Crug Abarr smiling at his resilient troops in the shiny steel armor with their sparkling steel swords and pike points. Stopping at the defensive choke point at the Bridge of Hen Gwirion, he surveyed the battle at Nuath and shed a tear for the Northmen who died therein.
Tharanduil quickly captured the Village of Lamina. The citizens thereof were actually quite pleased to be freed from the yoke of the Necromancer.
Agralondor stood his ground on the fields of Buhr Gasag refusing the let Gashbuz’s forces pass.
The crafty spy team of Legolas and Lindal again teamed-up; this time to hit the vaults of Yaluema. They took respectively 2700 and 2925 out of its vaults.
The forces of Ogrood and of the Necromancer, who had encircled Nuath just a fortnight ago, attacked. They destroyed the army of Koldana and took the Town for themselves. Just as they got safely behind the walls, the forces of Bard arrived (but too late).
The forces of the Dwarves are all over Goblin Town of Lag Agul. The Goblins have fielded and army, but, is it enough?
Turn 5
The forces under Tharanduil intercepted a Warg rider forces (at 3005), under Krusnak, racing down the Northern road between the Mountains and the forest. Along with Tharanduil, are a force of 800 cavalry fresh from the training grounds at the capital under the command of Camthalion.
Argaldor and Gashbuz finally crossed swords on the plains of Buhr Gasag. The battle was close. Gashbuz won battle but his remaining troops were so few they ran away and fled the field.
Dain and Bombur again burn another Goblin major town to the ground. Las Agul stands no more. Dain not wasting any time, quick marches seeing his reinforcement moving north under Thorin. Dain and Thorin trapped the main Goblin army at the village of Lag Kajfa.
Turn 6
Grashuk took out the Northmen camp of Akhulsa and then attempted to move through the ruins of Mijesic. However, Dorlas’ shiny army has trapped them in those ruins.
Captain Ogrood’s army tried to break out from behind the walls of Nuath, but the forces of Bard kept him put.
The primarily cavalry forces of Tharanduil and Camthalion crushed the forces of Krusnak on the Northern road and were subsequently met there by a force of complimentary force of Dwarven infantry. The forces prepared for their journey to the summit of Mt. Thiac. The Northmen sent their agent Montieth in who managed to take down and sabotage the fortifications in advance of the assault to come.
The Free spies continue. Lindal has continue to steal gold every turn from the Goblin Capital. Beaorn, wearing the Helm of Shadow on loan from the Elves, stole the Cloak of Havens from the Dark Servants. He happily plans to use the same against them.
Gashbuz after reconstituting enough of his routing and cowardly Goblins, choose to move onto the Northmen capital of Esparto, where he ran into a heavy cavalry force under Groin.
Turn 7
Dorlas shiny infantry in the ruin of Mijisec soundly defeated Grashuk’s almost equal cavalry force.
The armies of Tharanduil, Camthalion and Kili all successfully climbed Mt. Thaic, and polish their weapons in advance of assault. With the sabotaged fortification, the Goblin forces under Anglach have no idea of the can of woop ass (yes that is a phrase from Middle-Earth originating in the third age, circa 1670) they are about to receive.
Spying the size of the Goblin forces at the foot (3103) of Yalumea, Dain decides to take his forces East and North of the mountains, while sending a small containing/rear guard force at the dug in troops holding the foot.
Argaldor with a small contingent intercepted reinforcements out of the Warg rider capital.
The Necromancer with a force of cavalry roughly the size of Bard’s encircling troops, broke out of Nuath, destroying Bard’s army in the mix.
The Northmen though had their equalization that same day. Girion and his 400 mounted troops charged through the remnants of Gashbuz’s army, crushing their bones into the soil of Esgaroth. Girion personally captured Gashbuz and stripped him of the Belt of Durin.
The Northmen spy managed to steal 6300 from the vaults of Thiac as he watched his allies’ armies placing their offensive encampments around the former walls of Thiac.
Turn 8:
Thiac was quickly brought to its knees. Upon discussion, the Dwarven infantry was sent into the City to plant their flag, while the Elven cavalry was sent running down into the valley and up the next mountain onto the undefended and unfortified town of Lag Mithrin.
Dain catching wind of the same through courier, quickly deviated his course from climbing Yulema, the Goblin capital, to climbing the other undefended and un fortified town of Lag Scorba.
Ogrood and the Necromancer are up to their old tricks. They burst forth from Nuath and attempted two different paths into Esgaroth. However, both were intercepted by cavalry armies under the Northmen banner.
Through a comedy of bungled missions, the assassinations at Esgaroth went something like this: Legolas starts to sneak up behind Angulion, who at the same time is sneaking up on Girion. As Legolas is about to swing the local constabulary spot him and yell for him to stop. This distracts Angulion for a second and allows Girion to spot him, throw a dagger and hit Angulion, who goes to hide and slink in some shadows to lick his wounds.
Stay tuned for the conclusion of turns 9 and 10. (Preview of Turn 9 – The DS lose 3 of their remaining 10 pc’s (only 2 of the 10 are major towns/cities)).