Bofa Veteran Game Tourney?

Okay we’ve got 3 for this 3rd game - we’re looking for one more player to run 2 or 2 players. We’ve just started our 1st & 2nd games so this will be our 3rd game…

Bofa Veteran Tourney Rules
i) Team A (one or two players) play DS, Team B (1-3 players) play FP
ii) 15 turn format
iii) Games to run whenever turns are in (negotiable) as there are not many players to wait for. Turns run, at the latest every 2 weeks.
iv) All 1000 orders available. (That includes all the 1650 orders, except the One Ring and includes Emissaries etc).
v) You must stay within the map area of Bofa (see the Bofa map for this - it’s basically the NE area around the Lonely Mountain).
vi) Playing 2 nations you get 10% discount on turns, (ie at the end of the game we’ll refund to your account the 10%), playing 3 nations you get 15% discount.

We could then have a list of games played and do some sort of PRS on it - sounds like a piece of fun.

Minor Victory: If your nation survives for the entire game, you earn a minor victory.
Major Victory: If a nation on the opposing team is destroyed, each nation on your team earns a Major Victory.
Total Victory: If all nations on the opposing team is destroyed, your team wins a Total Victory.



Sounds fun. I helped test MEOW using a 1 day turnaround game of BOFA. Lots of fun!