I am in a 2950 game where I am trying to bribe/recruit Saruman to join my nation. The White Wizard turned to my allegiance early and dropped at some point. I located Saruman by using locate artifact true on him for two turns. He is not in any of his pop centers and is in the middle of no where. My emissaryy is ranked at 69 and I offered 15k in gold. I received the folowing messege. “She is not able to bribe the charater because the character was not permitted as a target”. Is this normal? My emmissary’s skill did jumped up to 70 in the attempt. I am not sure as to the normal responses for recruiting other nation’s characters, but why is he not a target.
8 turns is the common figure for double agents, but with recruiting, people often estimate 10. I recruited a nationless chr in G131 at 11 turns, so now I wonder if there’s a range. Up to 12 turns? Or is it really 10, and it depends on whether you count the start and end as inclusive? Hmmm…
I am in a 2950 game where I am trying to bribe/recruit Saruman to join my nation. The White Wizard turned to my allegiance early and dropped at some point. I located Saruman by using locate artifact true on him for two turns. He is not in any of his pop centers and is in the middle of no where. My emissaryy is ranked at 69 and I offered 15k in gold. I received the folowing messege. “She is not able to bribe the charater because the character was not permitted as a target”. Is this normal? My emmissary’s skill did jumped up to 70 in the attempt. I am not sure as to the normal responses for recruiting other nation’s characters, but why is he not a target.
Hammett [/b]
If you scout for chatacters and see Saruman the White - White Wizard he is recruitable. If the scout shows Saruman the White - unknown he is not recruitable any longer.
Didn’t mean to be confusing! Here I meant “a chr without an active nation”, i.e., a recruitable chr. I didn’t scout the turn before – I knew he was there from an LA – so I don’t know if he would have had his (formerly active) nation listed or not, as Celebion describes. It’s an interesting theory.
At least in this case, the chr remained recruitable for more than 8 turns. What’s the upper limit? Dunno.