
Can someone answer a question about bridges?

The rule states: "if building a bridge over a major river, the hex side
must already have a road passing through it, so that in effect you are
joining up the two halves of the road which meet at the river."

Taken literally that should mean that there is already a road leading
to the river. Like at Minas Tirith/Osgiliath after the bridge has been

On the other hand it could be interpreted that you just need roads in
both hexes. Like 3023 to Minas Tirith.

Which is the correct interpretation?

Thanks in advance!

the first is the correct one. The roads need to be leading towards
each other not simply in the hexes.



--- smprindy <> wrote:

Can someone answer a question about bridges?

The rule states: "if building a bridge over a major river, the hex
must already have a road passing through it, so that in effect you
joining up the two halves of the road which meet at the river."

Taken literally that should mean that there is already a road leading

to the river. Like at Minas Tirith/Osgiliath after the bridge has

On the other hand it could be interpreted that you just need roads in

both hexes. Like 3023 to Minas Tirith.

Which is the correct interpretation?

Thanks in advance!