Cage Match

Would you be interested in a 1 on 1 game? 1 nation per player, Play When Ready (PoWeR run, game runs when all orders in).

I think the interesting idea is 1v1 FA nation design. That’s my vote.
I’ll play you Brad.

Do you mean Drag against Woodies?!

Only as an example.

If it’s meant this way only Harad vs. Corsairs would be interesting.

Have Fun!


Originally it was SG vs NG - talk about a slugfest… Or Woodmen vs Ice King…20 turns later and you finally get Army Combat…!! Noldo vs the Sinda, etc…

Dave, well, want to design a Module (Clint’s preferred vision…) then? Custom nations, each have 1 40 pt Mage, 1 40pt Emis, 1 40 pt Agent, 2 pure coms and 3 misc multi’s, for example? Allow Kingdom rules - 21 characters whenver you can afford them, etc…?

why don’t we just pick 2 FA regions, and play FA in it with just 2 nations? Each person can design their own nations (mage or emmies or comms or agents or whatever). We could remove some SNAs (like the +20 K/A SNA) if you’d like. I think I’d like that one removed.

I think this allows a bit more creativity in the setup phase, so each of us can play our own best “style” of nation.


Well, I was trying to “balance” things more than the FA cost restrictions. Are you saying 2 nations each? We each have 1 nation in Area A and another in Area B? That might be the only FA game I’d go for - the camp limit would last past turn 5…!!

Cage match??? How 'bout Jimmy “Super Fly” Snuka VS. Haystacks Calhoun,

Rudy vs Cardy, :slight_smile:

Corsairs versus Harad and ignore the rest of the game.

I guess I want to qualify my response since the option sounds so rude. I voted the “Go away Moron” option not because I think it is a bad idea or because I think your a moron.

I voted this way as I don’t want time being taken away from the core development effort on large modules like Kin Strife so we can complete it and get it out, rather than spend Clint and co’s time on minor projects such as this. My estimation is that they are already stretching their time thinly and they should give low priority to projects such as this.


Ed, don’t they do that 1/3 of the time anyway…?

Gavin, I put it there with the expectation some would choose it… :wink: But you haven’t answered the poll then, I asked if you would like such a thing - not whether you think Clint should switch gears.

And from a Development perspective, presuming Clint’s taking time away from Kin Strife to read this, how much actual time are we talking about? Player developed, the only item that would actually take any more time than a regular grudge set up from MEGames might be the Module idea, at which point, I’m assuming it’s a 1 shot creation job, then simply a matter of game set up each time it’s requested…? Other games with more players would take longer. Clint? Confirm/deny?


All these little additional setups and rules variants take that little bit extra of Clint and Ed’s time which was my initial point. It might not be much but it all adds up.

Brad - if the option said “No I wouldn’t be interested” then that would still be my chosen option but for a different reason.

I’m currently playing in a long Gunboat game and when I first took it on I thought I’d really like it. However as the game drags on I’m finding the lack of interaction with other players to be a real downer and I’m starting to think that BOFA is as small as I’d like things personally. If that’s what other people want then fine, but I see ME as a team game with all the relevant baggage that entails. If I wanted to play a one on one game then you may as well be playing a computer game than a PBM.


Looks like sometimes we’re able to share an opinion.

1 vs. 1 won’t be an interisting game!
Even if it will be played by FA-rules.
3 vs. 3 might be the first step.

Geez, this is a tough crowd. No respect for the opinions of others, I see.

“wont’ be an interesting game” and “you may as well be playing a computer game than a PBM”. So judgemental folks. I’ve already received 3 challenges, so I guess your opinions are just that and y’all should think before making such all-encompassing pronouncements. Your opinions are your own, allow others theirs without disparaging them please. You know, “have fun and make it fun for others” and all that sporting stuff…

Gentlemen, if you don’t like it, fine. Don’t disparage others. For the record, I’ve personally received 3 challenges, so for all the “this is a dumb idea and you should just play a computer game” opnions out their realize you don’t talk for anyone but yourself. Have fun and make it fun for others, righteous judgementalistic pronouncements aren’t necessary.


… disparage others?

Ed and me?

Well, doesn’t happen so very often that we’re sharing the same opinion.
… wasn’t meant as a joke!-

Looking on your idea of playing games with smaller sizes, I appreciate this idea!
… but to play with single nations against each other, that’s too small (in my eyes).

Have Fun!


Brad that’s exactly what it was a personal opinion. If you read my post you’ll see that I say that if it floats your boat then fine. It doesn’t float mine. I didn’t say you should go and play a computer game if you read my post, I said that personally I feel this is the case.

If you are going to have a survey that says “What do you think of idea X?” don’t have a go if some people don’t personally like it.


I’d like an option that says something like…

Choose 2 nations from 1650 module, but amend them so they are equivalently similar…

eg Har and Cor… Battle of the Pirates/Merchants…
make the Har characters a bit stronger.
make the Cor pop centres a bit stronger.
Also have slightly more balanced starting armies/navies.

Definitely wouldn’t be interested if it was 2950 nations… and I think FA nations wouldn’t be strong enough for a 1v1 slugfest.

And I really can’t be bothered to learn a whole new map and work out where everything is to work out what I should/shouldn’t do so I don’t vote for a new module.

gav, you said “you”, not “i”. took me a while, but i see what set him off.

i’ll be sinda vs anyone’s dwarf. you train your new reveal mage up and come fight me in 20 turns…