A question for the wise, if a capital is lost (capture / destroy) is it possible to carry out capital orders in the major town where the capital will be relocated to on the same turn?
I have read several posts regarding transfers of major towns to keep a nation in the game at the end of the turn the capital loss occurs in. This does not answer my query, though I would expect it is not possible to carry out capital orders until the next turn?
The capital is relocated immediately to the popcenter of the largest size with the highest loyalty. As such you can perform all orders coming after the destroy-order in your new capital (like NatSell, NamChar, etc)
I checked the ‘Sequence of Events’ in the ‘Charts and Tables’ section of the rules and Relocate Capital comes in at the end of the sequence after many capital orders, so according to your post this should only refer to the specific ‘Relocate Capital’ order rather than the forced relocation in the case of an untimely eviction?
Have you tried capital orders according to your explanation or seen others carry them out? Or is it an educated guess?
Relocate Capital in the sequence is in regards to the Order, 9–whatever. The capital, in the event of capture, is relocated immediately as Ulrik said. You can lose more than one a turn or only lose 1 and relocate twice…
In the recent face to face game the Witch-king was given a camp the turn before his capital could have been destroyed. In the event of his capital falling this camp would have been his capital between the orders 250 destroy or 255 capture and 949 transfer ownership. The ds also sent masses of food to the camp so he’d have something to sell.
Paul: yes, you can do orders immediately at the new capital after capture.
If you don’t have a backup MT, note your capital gets relocated twice: first, as Ulrik said, immediately to your next-largest pc, sorted by loyalty (and loyalty can be impacted by combat) after size.
Then, if you have no MT’s in the course of a given turn, but get one from an ally or via InfOthr, it automatically moves to the new MT (or city). During the first check, you just have a temporary capital at a town or village (or, in Lewis’ desperate scenario, a camp!).
The maximum number of capital orders is quite impressing, and you can issue orders from 3 different capitals in one turn.
Say you are the Witch King. Your capital faces an Arthedain army. You issue 185 at Carn Dum, then your capital gets destroyed. Your capital is relocated to Kala Dularkuth, Town with the highest loy because you don’t have MTs left
You issue some 325ers from Kala Dularkuth
Then, you and your emmy friends flip 2711 and it ends up in your hands.
Your capital gets relocated to 2711.
But your team mates are too powerful in 525 and keep infing so that you immediately lose 2711 to friendly fire from the Dragon Lord.
Due todiffering loy loss, your cap gets relocated not to Kala Dularkuth but to Zarak Dum, town. You name a Char in Zarak Dum.
Then you get transfered Minas Durlith on 949 and your capital gets relocated to there.
That makes 5 capitals in one turn and capital orders issued in 3 of them.
PS: Of course you can iterate losses to 255 or 525 in the unlucky event that your cap gets destroyed before your backups.