Challenge Question


If an army commander challenges another army commander who refuses;
can another character not in an army and in the same hex (obviously :slight_smile: )
challenge the first army commander?

Thanks to any replies in advance


No. Do I recall you saying you have played 14 years?

Yes, but for most of it I was too busy repairing the damage your army caused
to the world to pay much heed to detail.

Your welcome. Heroic figures should, indeed, strike noble poses.

It is the whole reason to hide powerful chars in an army as a subbie. In early game when scouts and spells arn’t so good it works a treat.


PS: on the other side it’s great to know some curse dude can’t PC your lowly army comm when trashing a pop. At least you trash the pop befor the comm gets terminally unwell.

This will make you laugh/cry. I did this challenge on turn 2 of a recent gunboat game that ended.
Challenge from Rozilan at 3829
In the Hills & Rough of 3829 a ritual duel began. A large circle was drawn in the parade grounds outside of the camp. As the residents of Virk Ulgath gathered around, Rozilan, a healthy robed mage stepped forth and called challenge. In answer, Storlaga, a healthy evil spirit stepped forth. In his hands was borne the glowing Staff called Rauzgnagli. Those watching calculated the odds at 4 to 1 in favor of the challenged. Rozilan caught Storlaga by surprise and took his life with but a single spell!

Storlaga had a 126 challenge.
Rozilan had a 33 challenge.

So much for getting Storlaga’s mage rank up quicker :frowning:

Yes, have done that… :frowning:

Guy, 1 - only characters IN an army can challenge an Army Commander. 2 - any character can only have 1 challenge attempt per turn. That’s either an Issue that’s Refused, a Victorious Challenge, or a Lost Challenge. The person who gets to challenge first is the person with the largest challenge rank. Note, Fosters does not provide a Challenge Bonus, no matter what you’ve convinced yourself of at the time.

Not even Budwieser or Wild Turkey? Lol

No self respecting Aussie would drink Fosters, thats why we export that rubbish. A real Aussie drinks VB (Victoria Bitter) real Man Beer. That or Carlton Draft or Coopers Pale Ale. :smiley:

Regards Herman

Fosters and XXXX v.successful exports, v.crap beer.
Melbourne bitter or VB for me, really sad cause i’m from Sydney and we have a real rivalry with them. Make great beer, play crap AFL :stuck_out_tongue:


The upshot is however that your PC can go astray. Com 1 issues PC in confidence CR65. Army Comm 2 has refused PC35 but has a subbie hidden in army PC120; who PC’s Comm 1. Upshot, subbie gets to have a go at Comm 1 who’s challenge has been hijacked.
As i said early game, works a treat


Ahhh mate they won the premiership last year!, hardly crap footy played to win that. :smiley: (Bloody Crows loosing to the Eagles in the Semi final, I was the ownly Crow supporter in the Eagles members stand at Subie and copped a total schelacking for it!!)
Unlike you Yanks out there we call it football because we do kick the ball most of the time and we don’t pamby about in armoured padding and helmets!! :stuck_out_tongue:
Lets face it Soccer (The true football) has the most claim to the title out of all the games.
The hardest of the games would have to be Rugby Union, you Yanks think Gridiron with no protective clothing bar a mouth guard, some tape around your ears to stop them getting ripped/bitten off and a Jock strap and less rules, well less rules involving maiming your opposition.

Regards Schultzy

PS Coopers Ale still is the Best Beer in Oz!!:wink:

Darn right Herman,

Utterly agree on both football and rugby points! :slight_smile: The joy of playing
rugby, tackle after tackle, blood streaming can not be beaten…


Rugby players eat their meat raw!! (usually chunks bitten out of the opposition players!!) :eek:

Ears are very chewable and provide much needed nutrition during a
match! :smiley:

This is 2950?

I love my Rugby too. The real rugby. Where else is there a legal play called a maul, that you practice and perfect. You can have rolling mauls and the dreaded crime of rucking in a maul. The sheer joy of stomping unprotected heads, to get the ball out from under a mess of prone players. :smiley:

Only ice hockey gives me the same blood stirring spectator lust for more violence. I hate boxing as a sport but for some reason love watching two over size dudes in padded sumo suits hackin’ at each other with sticks.


You should’ve been the Hollyfield defence attorney. ‘He was just takin nutrition ya hona’, no crime in takin a sports supplement during a round. He just chewed into the closest snack available. And don’t forget, my dude had to have rabies and other virus tests…’

Adrian :wink: