Challenging Dragons

Does anyone have a clue what the general challenge rank range of dragons is? Is it possible to kill them with a direct challenge?

Also, if you want to challenge a dragon, would you do it with 210 IssPers or through the ecounter interface?

Thanks in advance.

There’s a theory that Dragons have a challenge rank equal to their combat strenght divided by 200, now what’s the strengh of a Dragon? From what I red so far they range from 40000 to 60000. However, I also read of a player who lost a challenge against daloemin with a character that had a challenge rank of 250, but I also red that a player succeeded in killing Scatha with a character with good challenge rank as well. I don’t through which interface they tried in both cases.

Now on the same topic, we tried to curse a dragon with 4 cursers with mage ranks of 60 to 82. The four curser succeeded, with none of them getting the “target not elligible” message, does that mean that Dragons have a health superior to 100? Or they cannot be cursed? Or it did die, we don’t know. Time will tell.

dragons can be killed via challenge. my understanding is that they can not be cursed. while i have not challenged a dragon, i have played against a freep team (aussies) that did kill 4 or 5 dragons. thats a “distressing” development when your the evil side. its an impressive tactic, that requires a ton of teamwork. but the upside result is huge, in terms of game balance.


Hi Odagus

It’s possible to kill dragons with both regular challenges and via encounter “interface”.

I recommend getting a good combat art, plus as much com. arts you can get on a high com char, so you get over 250 in challenge rank with a commander. Then put him in a squad, with a guy that can cast some sort of heal spell. Travel around where the dragons are, and let the char react ATTACK via the encounter interface. That way around you will also get a gold treasure, while a chance to survive a dragon “challenge” with one in health even though the dragon won.
The team I’m on have tried the above method numerous times and it works, just keep in mind that your challenger will eventually die, so have a replacement for him/her nearby.

P.S. this question has been asked close to a million times, and you can search through the posts on this forum. Consider this the next time when you search some info.



I appreciate the replies. I have tried searching the forum, and have come up with absolutely zero. The search function only appears to bring results from 12/2003 or later, and there are no posts I can find on the subject. There are only a couple with the word dragon in the subject line, and though there are 50 posts containing the word dragon, none seem to pertain to this issue.

I have read the theory about dragons having their combat value divided by 200 in challenge rank on Bobbins. Never seen any emperical verification. It’s good to hear that it’s at least possible.

Hi Odagus,
The 250 challenge guy should work but keep in mind there are a chance he makes a fumble.

About the curse a dragon have never heard of any have success on this, mayby the dragons have some sort of magic resistence.

Assassinate a dragon, should be possible but have never heard of any, but
have seen Gandalf taken out by Dino.


Check out the thread I just put close to the top for you. July, I think it was.