Now that Game 96 ended I can see if anyone has tried anything like this before.
Turn 27 Bain (In a company) entered 2408, and got the Ruingurth encounter.
Now Bain had a nice 274 CR and had killed a few drakes in that game, so turn 28 he Reacted ATTACK to the encounter and got this strange message?
Encounter for Báin I at 2408
Drawing his weapons and calling upon his courage, he leapt to the attack with a battle scream rolling from
his lips.
Bain survieved but nothing more happened? In Bains order section is just mentioned the normal:
Báin I was located in the Mountains at 2408.
He was ordered to react with the encounter. See Encounter messages.
2408 was Sindas and their rumours turn 28 mentioned this.
The loyalty was influenced from the efforts or presence of Ruingurth at Billingsgate.
So Ruingurth couldn’t have died?
So my question is, had anyone ever tried ATTACK on Ruingurth and what happened? Has anyone killed him with ATTACK or did you just challenge him?
Any feedback is much appreciated! 
Interesting bit of news. Perhaps this dragon is an illusion, that is why everyone survives the encounter.
has anyone considered there might actually be a bug in the software?
seems likely given the description of what happened with “attack” and the anecdotal evidence on Bobbins that you can do anything but “attack” and survive (maybe noone had ever tried “attack” before?).
I bet the Ruingurth subroutine has a premature return() statement, or
a bug that causes a bunch of code to be skipped.
Seems quite likely Dave! Guess I could ask MEGames, though they probably don’t know if it is a bug or not 
Leave poor Ruingurth alone. He’s very old, you know, and all he wants to do is sleep. Just because Bain couldn’t hit him hard enough to wake him up that’s no reason to pick on him.
Richard Farrer
Oh but we would have, but Bain was just so pissed after hunting Dragons for nearly 20 turns and only managing to stumble into 6 of them that he decided to whack Ruingurth just for the fun of it
(Never saw so many dragons just staying one turn on a pop centre, ALWAYS just flying of before Bain arrived)