Climate Modifers in Bofa and 4th age

Are these used? what are they? I know nation terrian modifers are not used.

I am extremely close on a capture order this turn, and the modifer will decide it for me. I would like to know if I am in the 100/97/95/92 or 90 catagory in cold rough.


Fourth Age, Page 112 in my old GSI days rulebook has Approximate Nation Terrain/Climate Modifiers(by race). Might want to do some light reading for a change.

cool, could ya do the reading and post the info (clime only really is needed)? I have only the bofa book and the online books, both of which do not have the information.


I have to assume that the online rules stop at page 62 of the document (before all the Orders details and the rest of the neat charts and stuff in the back…) because the Company wants you to buy the entire document. In fact, there might be copyright issues, even if freely distributed…I’m no lawyer, but there ya go.

How much are the books anway? The web site lists the costs to start up a game as a current player (“with your own materials”) or how to start as a new player (rule book included). The difference is like, 3 pounds or 7 dollars, and the difference is more than just a rule book… I wasn’t able to find the rules alone on the website, but the House Rules list it as 5 pounds.

If you are a new player it costs $19 for a set-up, that’s map, rules, set-up in a normal game and 2 free turns. We subsidise it.

If you’ve been playing with us for a while and want furthure materials it costs $9.50 for a rulebook.

This should be covered in the house rules. Hope that helps.


Its in the Materials section on the web site.