I was wondering why emissaries just can’t keep creating camps, until the population center limit is reached, regardless of their skill level? If the loyalties are crappy, then it’s the player’s fault for using low-skilled characters.
I’ve seen lvl 50+ emissaries consistently fail to make camps, which is unrealistic for an EASY order. The game tries to rationalize the failure with messages to the effect that the populace didn’t support it at this time. BS… The characters of a nation are the directors (dictators?) of their peoples’ future, so trying to create a camp IS an action goverened by nation’s people. :bash:
Hi Guys, having just taken over some positions in a grudge game (yes, some players had better watch out) I have seen orders results just as you describe and kept wondering, has the camp limit been reached as my good Emmy just failed, but on the very next order, a crappier version of him succeeds. I will talk to GMs and programmers here, but there might be arcane effects like what nation you are, what terrain you are posting in, etc…
I would think the explanation is sometimes you roll high and sometimes you roll low. I had a casting rank of 73 fail on a spell 3 consecutive turns. Frustrating? Heck yes! Sinister? Nah! I know it’s not the exact same scenario, but numbers are numbers.
Of course you roll high or low, but the point is that if you’re of a reasonable skill, why doesn’t your chance of success increase for the next attempt? Constantly rolling low on many orders seems nothing more than game mechanics to just draw out a longer game. What it does for sure is upset people, especially if some games you depend on having early success (such as with FA1000).
Oh, I agree with what you said. I’ve been in exactly the same boat. I have not thought of a modifier for camping after failing if you stay in the same hex and try again. There is logic behind what you say.
And I understand the need for success in camping at the start of a FA game. I’m in one presently, as well.
Some people think that if they sit at the blackjack table all day they have more chance of winning…Just accept the percentages; some times you win and sometimes you lose…
That sounds reasonable. It would allow nations in many of the games who start with crappy emissaries, to at least try compete with other nations who have some emissaries @ 40+ skill level. Noldo in particular has excellent emissaries. Almost seems unfair to the other nations in the game, heh.
Being ‘automatic’ was just a suggestion. A 50ish emissary failing repeatedly on an EASY order was the main issue. Same for downgrading relations. Most of these types of orders are cruicial for FA games. If camp creation fails, nations can go under rather quickly.
Nation, terrain, as Dean mentioned might be involved. It IS Dice, of course, so sometimes, well, hold their families hostage… Might there be other modifiers that nobody has rolled against 100 times to be able to ascertain…? Is there a turn camp limit (the total game limit being hit on turn 3 or something stupid in FA would speak against that, but throwing that out there)…?
I’ve also been told by one of those aged vets, that successive orders by your characters are influenced by previous orders. So, if your e30 goes first, and fails, your e40 goes next with a penalty - he fails, it get’s worst for the e73, etc. No, the e73 doesn’t go first (check the order of the characters in your xml file over successive turns for clues regarding this…).
Might there be a camp proximity modifier? (I’ve seen every rough hex south of mordor camped one game, 2 players running the entire DS did this on purpose, so again, I don’t think so…)
Just throwing out possibilities.
Sucks when you fail to camp, especially with good guys…
I’d say it sucks more to fail creating camps as the DS in most games, who overall have poor economies, rather than FP. However, when it comes to starting in FA games, it sucks either way.
I have two theories going at this point. Firstly - and generally - the game seems to balance out the camps somewhat so if you have a heap of emmies, you’ll probably only be similarly gifted with camps as a nation with just two emmies. I have seen quite a few big emmy nations consistently unsuccessful. My QA started with Adunaphel at E40 - named other E40’s yet on average - despite much higher ranks than allied nations, was only successful as many times as the other nations.
Something I haven’t had the chance to investigate yet though is that it seems you’ll be far more successful if you’re running a low tax rate. I have only noticed the clear cut difference in one game but will think on it some more. A 39% tax rate saw my Arth continuously more successful than allies with 60% tax rates. Whether luck or design yet - i don’t know.
I seriously doubt terrain factors come into play at all. Everything I’ve seen points to the emissary’s skill + the random roll. Like Heathen, I feel that the rules should be tweaked, especially for FA games.
If you want to see anything concerning terrain factors, maybe issues of Bree may help.