If you have all the turns from your side for any game that ended, you
can write down all the victory points from your side and then
extrapolate to figure out the missing spots the enemy took.
Gold is definately whomever had highest to whomever had lowest.
Characters is definately whomever had highest to whomever had lowest
character upkeep.
Armies from what I have been able to figure out is HC goes before any
other type of troops.
Pop Centers appears to go the way I described.
We have all played games and if you kept all the final pdf's from
them you can try to figure it out also.
Because you can figure out how to get a good score just from these
aspects is the entire reason I dont like even seeing them. I dont
base a persons skill at this game by victory points. To me its what
they did during the game. Anyone who is sitting back unmolested can
get great scores and guess what they didnt do anything to contribute
to the teams effort. Anyone ever play Rhudaur and get pounded but
not get knocked out? They probably fought tooth and nail and guess
what they got 400 vps. Thats a real indication of their skill?
Gimme a break.
Thats why I proposed a different set of victory points based on what
the characters do with their orders vs what is generated by doing
Well Fred, we've had a pile of contradictory "facts" or "opinions"
this thread: So where did you come up with your 4 then so we can
ascertain how much closer to surety we've found ourselves today?
> To all those who do not know how to get a top score each and
every game
> here is all you need to know.
> 1. Character points are ranked from highest to lowest from the
> maintenace costs.
> 2. Wealth is ranked highest to lowest from the nations gold
> 3. Army points are ranked who has the most heavy cavalry on
down. IF
> you want 500 points from armies just recruit a ton of HC.
> 4. Pop center points are given based on who has the most Cities,
> MT's, T, V, camps. It appears to be randon on who gets first or
> if there are 2 people with same number of cities. At least this
is how
> I have found it to work. This one has been the hardest to
actually get
--- In mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com, "Brad" <bbme@...> wrote:
--- In mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com, "tuormo" <tuormo@> wrote:
> figured out.
> The army one I know for a fact that HC will get you to the top.
> Fred Young