Danish face-to-face team


It now been severeal years since I played my first and only F2F here in Denmark. It was great fun and I really like to try it again. I thought Clint and his “gang” would pay another visit here this summer, but unfortunately not.

So I wonder, why not try and assemple a danish team and then play a remote F2F against any other team (german, australian, english, american…), like the new Bree suggest.

If you are in on the idea, then please let me know. I think i know a few ones who might be interested already.


We’d love to support this. We’re happy to travel to Denmark (or pretty much anywhere else) get a team there together and run vs a UK team playing in Cardiff.



What if you guys comes to Denmark, and then we make a mixed team of GMs and a few danish blokes playing two nations each. We could then play remote against any other team that would dare to face us F2F-remote ? Is that possible ?

Yes - ideally though we’d have you guys play and we help out if at all possible. There’s 12 players needed for that - or upto 6 if they double up. Generally I like 1 GM per team and one to run the game (although one over-seeing GM is possible instead).

We’ll be looking at the date for the next FTF in the UK as soon as Bryn gets back to me when his half-term is and if he (and consequently) others are available then… :o :slight_smile: :rolleyes:



What would the total price be per player for a weekend of FtF if each player plays two nations each ?

I don’t know - about £120 for the entire w/end plus a portion of our travel expenses (one person coming over on a cheapish flight, floor space to kip, picked up at the airport would be ideal as well).

Ideally we’d have maximum number of players as it speeds up the entire process of playing the game.

We’re happy to travel wherever needed really. If you can get a team there we’ll come to you.



OK, if I can find 2-3 danish guys would it then be possible that 3-4 english guys (fx GMs) joined us and we formed a team of 6. How many GMs would be able to join and play on the team in Denmark ?


I don’t think we can get any Brits to come across. We’d probably need them for the UK side - it’s possible though.

We’d also need a location. For only 2-3 Danes then I’d ask that you guys travel to here (for obvious reasons). We get players from all over the world come here.

Ideally only one GM per side - less if possible (more players, less “intereference” from us then).
