Dragon attacks a PC

This question has probably been answered lots of time but I read contradictory things on that issue, and now I face this case in my game :o

My army, followed by a recruited dragon (nice little boy), is standing on an ennemy’s major town, fortified by a keep.
No army is defending it.

Will the dragon bonus will be considered for destroying/capturing the PC ?
If it is the case a small/medium army can destroy an undefended highly fortified PC (and be destroyed in the same time) :confused:

Hmm a tough one as nobody really has a lock on the Dragon combat abilities. Dragon will attack on the first round regardless. If there is a defending army the “Dragon bonus” gets wasted on the army. If no army then the attacking army will still need enough defensive ability to withstand the defence counter strike of the pop center, but the dragons attack will be included against the pop and defences. Not much help i know but you wont know unless you try. “No guts no glory!”

Regards Herman

P.S A lot of people would be interested in you PDF afterwards.

The manual does not say that my army has to survive the battle to successfully destroy the PC.

Hence … mutual eradication seems possible in this case, where there is no defending army ?

Nope, you need enough troops to march inside the place and take control, no good knocking the walls down and the last guy gets clobbered getting to the inside. Troops must survive the defensive counter strike or you will simply paste yourself against the walls and the pop will be seiged but still in one piece. Sorry.

Regards Herman

Yes, the dragon will help capture it, because no army is defending.

No, a small army with ten dragons that doesn’t surive the counter-blow of the population center will not capture (or destroy) the major town. 100 MA with fifteen dragons will NOT capture or destroy a town/tower, for example.


OK, thanks a lot. Too bad for me this time :rolleyes:

Note, you only need 1 survivor. Larry is his name. He figures in a few mechanics, as long as he’s around to check out the main street and grab a bagel before “disbanding” and heading home the pop is yours.

Hi Roots,
the dragon will help you, but don’t expect the same combat-value as in an army against army battle.

Have Fun !
