What happened to the Footie thread? Was it the sex, diamonds, religion, or calling certain mediterranean tribes wusses the offensive diatribe that relieved it of it’s existence…?
It was the food. definitely the food.
Food? Eh? (again?)… I can get an “Italian sausage” at the Jay’s game (um, do they sell Italian sausage on a bun in Italy?? I doubt it…) but I dont’ recall the food. Sierra Leone was mentioned, I never brought up my 3 years in Angola, as I never saw a FIFA rep there, don’t recall the food there either… Unless it was of a prescription sort depending on your Western drug plan, Guy can’t talk to that, puritan he is though… Ah Ed, maybe he can enlighten us, he’s one of the “in” crowd with the forum power-brokers…
I think it was because Dave and I agreed on something and hell froze over.
LOL Drew! yes. that must have been it. Wait. I think we’ll likely agree on some stuff in Game 33 too… getting kinda scary…
I hope you guys agree on something in game 33.