Eleventy-five today

Happy Birthday to Tolkien who would’ve been eleventy-five today. :slight_smile:

Oh and to James; Penblwydd Hapus!


Ha, eleventy five - made I chuckle :stuck_out_tongue: What would that be in Welsh?! Un ar ddeg’ed a phimp? :stuck_out_tongue:


Or in NFLese “Once Cinco”,:rolleyes:

Close…but you need a couple w’s and y’s in there…

Mae’n cant ar bymthegfed penblywdd, (dw i’n meddwl) - 115th (I think)? Nasty uh?! :rolleyes: Mae’n bwrnt…

Lucky it’s not his 135th… :rolleyes:


Hmm, I don’t think so, gentlemen. Wikipedia has Tolkien’s burfday at January 3rd:


But i do know that Stephen King’s burfday is today …

Ah well you’re right… James - you fool… :eek::wink:

Bilbo’s and Frodo’s tomorrow though… :smiley:


Roflmao :stuck_out_tongue:

iIf the Queen of England gets two birthdays why not Meestar Tokilen? Lol