If various encounter information sources are to be believed, the Harper encounter is a wight in disguise that, if defeated in battle, yields a reward. However, when I gave the order to attack in a recent game, I got the following:
Encounter for XXXXX at 4422
As XXXXX gripped his weapon, the harper looked startled, then determined. “Evil dog,” he cursed, “Come then, and meet thy maker.” Quickly he drew a long, slim blade to meet the attack. As the harper moved to the attack, XXXXX turned and fled. In so doing, however, he turned his back on the advancing harper and was cut down and killed after only a few yards.
This is not the usual wight-in-disguise reaction, which leads me to believe there is a “real” Harper out there. Unfortunately, the description and reaction options for the two encounters (if there are actually two) are identical.
Any information regarding this curious encounter would be much appreciated.
It’s just wierd there isn’t the whole “laughing wight reveals its true nature” bit. Pretty odd for a wight to have the kind of reaction described above (a wight calling me an “evil dog”? Pot. Kettle. Black).
There are two different wight encounters, and they can be distinguished by a slight difference in description. I know the key is whether the light in the harper’s eyes matches something about the harp, but I can’t remember the specifics.
There’s supposed to be a couple of other “pairs” of encounters. One I know for sure is the “crying voice in the reeds/swamp” Mewlip encounter.
One is a wight the other is Daeron. Daeron can be playing with a dagger or playing a harp. The wight has eyes that gleam like the light off the harp and whispers about ‘who disturbs my solitude.’ I remember this cause i just had the encounter. I have not come across Daeron in many years so i can’t remember the specifics and it was pre-harly days, so i don’t have electronic records of the games, i was PBM in aussieland when i had the encounter last.
(scary…that’s XX years ago )