How hard is it? are there any guidelines for it?
Does a 70 point commander in charge of a large army have a good chance of passing a town/castle or is it something that should only be attempted with the aid of a hefty comstack.
How hard is it? are there any guidelines for it?
Does a 70 point commander in charge of a large army have a good chance of passing a town/castle or is it something that should only be attempted with the aid of a hefty comstack.
C70 should be good at it.
Larger armies will have more trouble succeeding.
It makes it possible to slip by an enemy force.
It can keep the pop center from seeing the commander name and nation
I am not so sure about slipping by fortifications.
Only ever seen it successful once… but then again… maybe I’ve only ever seen it attempted once? It does make for a surprise though!
Never used it to bypass a fortification, but I have had a 40+ commander make 800 troops fail to show up on a pop center report. The army icon was on his map, but the pop center didn’t list the army at all.
I’ve used it successfully quite a bit against enemy armies but only ever saw it the once against a fortified pop. A Freep army passed straight over a DS held Minas Ithil to land at Barad Ungol. Caused quite a stir… it was even amusing as a DS!
Interesting read, have used it little myself but had it used very effectively against me in a game of BOFA!