FA 143 starts

Greetings denizens of ME,

Dustbighters (freep) checking in. Contact me at:

lechipman AT comcast DOT net

Happy to hear from neutrals and DS alike.


Have fun you guys Turn zeroes are out today!!!


Here The Fallen (a neutral from Enedwaith) :slight_smile:



Hello and good game everyone.

Neutral (at least for now) alliance of Karameikos and Darokin can be contacted at:

masasj AT ymail DOT com (karameikos)

All messages will be forwarded to Darokin.

hi there everyone :slight_smile:

a rather small neutral block (NK Anastasia + Harlindon Eugenio) is seeking contact with FP, DS and fellow neutrals.

mail should be sent to NK which will promptly inform me too.

address is:
ana.stasia at tiscali it

Hi Everybody - Half-Orcs checking in! Welcome to FA 143!

I guess since my icons are showing as palantirs I’m playing Freeps this go around, despite the name. We must be the happy cuddly kind of half-orcs. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to some fun. Good luck to one and all!

Player #10

adamonmars at yahoo dot com

Greetings from the DS to all in 143, we’re looking forward to much mouthwatering action in this one:

We’ve peasants making everything pointy, spies skulking, heralds spraying blah, while wizards drool over their balls…. It’s too disturbing, we need a good Free People to put an end to it all!

Neutral nations, our best regards, we’ll brush down our heralds give them an hour crash course in emissary’ing and be in touch shortly.

Though it may be more hygienic to contact me at klub at eircom.net

Dribble of the Drib Le Chin :hug:

Greetings to all & sundry from the Aerithryn. We would welcome any ambassadors from the Neutral nations, most especially from our neighbors, the Enlightned(sp?) Shadow, North Kingdom, and Fallen.

Pretty sure Eugenio is in Forlindon (the more northern of the two lindons), as I’m in Harlindon.

And a gentle reminder to folks of all persuasions to check your setups for errors. It appears that several nations have their names misspelled (Enlightned should be Enlightened? Numenroeans should be Numenoreans? and so on…) amongst other things.

Game on!
pvcimahoney at gmail dot com

NVM, It appears “Enlightned Shadow” is correct, and the spelling was altered to fit the 17 character limit…

**edit 2

According to my map, the Fallen are in Eriador…

I’m quite sure the Free Peoples would be happy to help put and end to your damp distress. Just tell us where to find you and we’ll be there with mops, sponges, towels and no small number of horses, men, elves, and dwarves with lots of pointy and/or sharp implements to put you all our of your watery misery.

Greetings All, free and neutral alike, Nacth Strum here, welcoming all communication stormy88@charter.net
Heres to a good game for all !!!

Lets get it on brothers, till the death… yours that is …

For hundreds of years we have watched and waited.

We have witnessed few kings rise, and seen many more fall.

Having quietly built our strength, the time has now come for us to reach out and make our presence known.

Our envoys, and their minions, have lurked in the mists for far too long.

Please don’t be alarmed at their black eyes and pale skin, as they’re not sent out hungry, heh.

We are the Vampiric Order…

northtwin Dot bryan At Yahoo Dot Com

Who is winning in this game, or two early to tell (feel free to spread propaganda, it will all be interesting)?


DS rule, freeps drool… that is all …

The choice was simple. Submit quietly, and live a life of servitude to the forces of darkness. Instead, you chose to believe you have a say in things, and it was this sort of delusional thinking that has led you to your doom.

Neutral nations… we implore that you do not succumb to the same fate as that of these self-proclaimed ‘free peoples’ of the world.

As noone is truely free, we ask you to consider joining the Dark Servants. You would be welcomed into a strong brotherhood that is well-versed in strategy and tactics. Everyone’s opinion is valued, as it helps us work toward our common goal, world domination!

Behold! We are the Heathen Kings!


A silence has fallen across the world… is this a sign that the enemy is confused, static, or in hiding? Let’s hear something out there, other than the whisper of the wind!

Behold! We are the Heathen Kings!


It’s the deep breath before the plunge.
Turns run tomorrow and everyone is anxious.

Hate to say it - but DS are winning it so far. Nothing crashingly dramatic has happened yet, but I can feel the tide already. Still the Freeps are plowing in where we can.

I think it’s still too early to say the DS is winning, especially when you, and a few other FP (Dustbighters, Frost Men, and Amestrians) are continually harassing the Ull Navalla; 4 vs. 1 and DS are winning? I will admit he’s holding his own, but I think you’re trying to sway some of the Neutrals to your cause through deception.

The DS will welcome any of the Neutrals to our cause, but as far as the game stands atm, things seem about even to me.

Well, I’m thankful for the vote of confidence, but you guys are much better positioned than we are, and are playing better so far than our team.

As for the neutrals, I just email them when I have something to say. This thread came from Dean’s question.