FA GB 48 won by the DS

Grunge, Gypsies (dead) & Atarin (inherited) signing in.

I must say I really enjoyed FA GB 48. I’m amazed you FP played as long as you did. I think the DS totally dominated in this game. I’ll write up a game summary today or tomorrow and would love to hear from other players DS/FP on your thoughts about this game.

Well done Sunspear Riders & NK and other DS as well. Old Ones stuck in there with resiliance despite overwhelming odds and loss of homeland mid-game. Mike - did you play Old Ones? I think you did based on a post you made complaining about alleged collaboration. I can assure you there was no collaboration by me with anyone. I was scrying your nation and preparing to attack and just happened to attack at the same time as 2 other DS nations. pure luck.

detailed report later. got to go to a meeting now.


ok, here’s a summary of the game from my perspective:

I started the game as DS: Grunge (Rhudaur region) and Gypsies (Near Harad region)
Grunge had 40E, market manip and conjure food
Gypsies had 40A, stealth bonus, and +20 Scout/Recon

Gypsies was eliminated on Turn 17 by a combination of the Southern Light taking my capital and me mucking up my spreadsheet calculations of Gypsies economy so I went bankrupt even though I had transferred a Grunge city in Rhudaur to Gypsies a couple of turns in advance. doh!!!

Shortly thereafter, the player who had Atarin and Kelvar Holdings apparently had to quit. Rob asked if I’d like to take up one another nation and I said “sure”. Atarin was located in Khand region and had E40, Conjure mounts, conjure food, and summon storms.

Somehow almost simultaneously with Gypsies going out, the nations in Umbar and Far Harad both seemed to go away (Kravenites and Heirs of Honor). I found out that Kravenites (DS) were out on T14 and HoH (FP) was out on T16.

Grunge focused first on building defenses, then attacking the Dark Elves (FP). Rising Sun (DS) helped in the attack, and together we exiled the Dark Elves from their starting location of Northern Mirkwood to the mountains of Mordor.

Next Grunge began to work on Old Ones (FP) in Lorien. Old Ones repulse one or two waves of my attacks before finally I had enough emmies working in concert with my armies and luckily with both Rising Sun and Sunspear Riders also attacking Old Ones at the same time. We then succeeded in forcing Old Ones into exile and took over Lorien.

While that was going on, Atarin was able to use a combination of armies and characters to take out the remnants of the Dark Elves and Shadow Guard. I believe they were eliminated on or before Turn 24.

Next Grunge took 2321 and made the mistake of landing some characters on 2121 in the midst of an enormous character battle between (I presume) SK & NK. There were so many characters ID’d on my ScoChar that I could do nothing but high-tail it out of there. I had no idea who was friend or foe. I just guarded my own chars and left the hex. I bet there was significant carnage in 2121. I also landed on 2222 (Ice Queen capital) with a big agent/emmie company on T27 and once again found myself in the midst of something the NK was doing.

Next Grunge built up a camp into a city off map of any FP (I thought/hoped) at 2817. From there I built 41 war machines and a 4000hc army that I sent in a surprise assault against Southern Light. By careful assassination timing & cav movement from off his map, i was able to land on his capital and capture it. Again, there was simultaneous pressure from Rising Sun and Sunspear Riders and now Atarin was also able to help. After Southern Light was eliminated on turn 34, Grunge & Atarin began focusing on SK.

SK had taken up residence in Far Harad and Umbar. At game end, Atarin is poised to capture SK’s capital (loyalty 9) and Grunge has taken a significant number of SK pops.

The remaining bastion of FP life is central Mordor. From what I could tell most of the DS character squads and armies were beginning to converge on Mordor at game end. Grunge had 6000cav & 40+WM moving into Mordor and NK had already taken out a Punsihers (FP) backup capital, with severe pressure being applied. Atarin had been playing a holding game with Old Ones (neither nation getting the better of each other) at 3929, 3928, 4028, though I had taken out one Old One commander with overrun and captured another and doubled an Old One agent. I’m pretty sure Old Ones had several Atarin characters doubled as well.

At game end, Grunge has 56 pops, a potential taxable base of 182.5K/turn, was running a tax rate of 13% and had most pops at 80+ loyalty with many at 100.

Grunge Character mix at game end:



e96m30 (original Grunge Queen)

e93m115 (original Gypsies King)

Artifacts known(12,18,22,32,58,62,115,119-199)
Artifacts owned:
Fire’s Edge Sword 18 No Evil COMBAT - Increases damage by 750 points.
Stormless Bow Bow 22 No None COMBAT - Increases damage by 500 points.
Bow of Thunder and Bone Bow 32 No None COMBAT - Increases damage by 500 points.
Elenrûth Sword 115 No None COMBAT - Increases damage by 750 points.
Tinculin Harp 128 Yes None Increases Mage Rank by 45.
Staff of Earthmastery Staff 131 Yes None Increases Mage Rank by 25.
Dragon Helm/Armor Armor 140 Yes Evil Increases Mage Rank by 35.
Maranya Ring 145 Yes None Increases Mage Rank by 30.
Orb of Seeing Orb 157 Yes None Increases Mage Rank by 30.
Ring of Wind Ring 188 Yes None Increases Agent Rank by 40.
Neldelhach Rod 190 No None COMBAT - Increases damage by 750 points.
Ring of Impersonation Ring 12 Yes None Increases Agent Rank by 25.
Ring of Barahir Ring 119 Yes Good Increases Command Rank by 40.
Gurthang Sword 134 No Evil COMBAT - Increases damage by 2250 points.
Gûlthalion Shield 138 Yes None Increases Command Rank by 20.
E Voronwë Sword 150 No Good COMBAT - Increases damage by 500 points.
Gordur Sword 151 No Good COMBAT - Increases damage by 500 points.
Dragon Helm of Dor-Lómin Helm 164 Yes None Increases Command Rank by 20.
Burning Blade Sword 192 No Evil COMBAT - Increases damage by 500 points.

Here’s the T38 game map as my nations understand it

I think I must have been the last FP standing as the game is ending because the 3:1 ratio has been hit and as I am now running 3 nations I think this has been triggered by the last FP other than me dropping.

I ran Punishers and Circle of Might at the start and picked up a dropped Old Ones about mid game.

Circle of Might started in far west with initial capital at 1426. Pretty much managed to camp this entire area but the initial cavalry I pushed out north was squashed by more cavalry armies heading south. My initial holdings were over-run by more FP and my capital was captured but I did manage to hold on in the area with at least half my camps retained and two cities tucked away. I did also retain a backup in inner Mordor.

Punishers were the strength in inner Mordor with 5 cities/MTs. Have been pretty much plagued by huge character invasions against my capital over the last 10 turns but this pretty much held out till a NK army arrived this turn.

Old Ones picked up in mid game from which it was obvious from amount of DS on their map that they were within a couple of turns of losing all their centres. Rather than try to prevent the inevitable I transferred all characters to inner Mordor transferred a MT from the Punnishers and tried to rebuild. By the end I was up to 2 cities and a town in inner Mordor.

I am more than happy to share turns after the final one runs.


Here is my map of the West (Circle of Might) with my centres being the ones in balck with green border.

Here is my map of Mordor. Circle of Might are black with green border, Punishers black with brown border and Old Ones are in red. The map has the usual Archon errors that show an opposing army icon everywhere I have an army even though it may not be there.

I played the North Kingdom and then picked up the Tiste Andii later on in the game. Here is my whole map. My main army of almost 4K HC and 47warmachines was working on attacking the Punishers at 3722 and my next target for it was the soon to be revealed 3823 and then onto the other mt’s in the plains to the east of there. I will go through my synopsis in my next post.


Scavenger - well done.

Who was Sunspear Riders?

Hi all,

I played the sunspear riders and the rising sun in this game.

Sunspear riders started off where cardolan is based in 1650 and followed a similar nation design (I aimed to have a good solid army defence for the NK). The rising sun were an agent nation based in the far north (new agents at rank 40 and double scout). I don’t have time for a full report at the moment but I’ll get one out to anyone interested at the game end (and swop turns etc to whoever wants them).

A quick congratulations to the NK and the grunge who were the two DS nations I bumped into most. I seemed to spend the whole game one step behind the grunge player (the old ones homelands are a prime example of this, I’d just turned up with some big armies and agent support which was good enough to clear out old ones and instead found the grunge moving in from the north and in position to take the pc’s before I got near. After that every time my agents did a recon and spotted pc’s it seemed that by the time my emmies got there they were owned by the grunge. The game should have been called grungeboat rather than gunboat.

I’ll post my map soon,

Chris Guise (hugecrisis@hotmail.com)

I started as the North Kingdom with the following SNA’s
Buy/sell orders receive 20% market adjustments,
New commanders start at rank up to 40.
Build fortifications at 1/2 timber cost.
Hire new armies at no cost.

Turn 0
I know that my closest enemy is in Harlindon and that the next closest is in Dunland So I will take out The Forest Rangers in Harlindon first and as quickly as possible. From my recons of all the nations capitols, I know his capital is at 0711 and it is a MT/fort.
Turn 1
I got one out of two spirit encounters netting 7K gold at 1411. I named 6 characters: Three C40’s, one A30, one E30, and one M30, none received any bonuses. I improved my capital to a city and spread my commanders to my towns and moved my main starting army of 1000LC and 5 warmachines
to my MT/fort at 1211 after recruiting 400HI into it. An army of the Dark Elves has shown up at 2212 so I know his capital was the MT/tower at 2411. I expect to lose it since it could be up to 800LC. Sending all my mounts and leather to 1211 to recruit cav there. Gathered timber to build warmachines.

Turn 2
I tried to jack up my tax rate to 86% beofre I placed any camps but only got it to 68%. I lost 2212 to 600HC of the Dark elves so I think he might have conjure mounts. A small SK army is now at 2121 so I will lose that and most likely 2119. It sucks, but there is nothing I can do about it for the moment. I knew Dunland was free so I expected him to be there not the SK. Created 3 camps out of three attempts. Named 2 C40’s, an A34 (first bonus of +4 agent rank), a C10A10E10 (+15bonus to challenge) and an E30 am now up to 19 characters. Am now recruiting armies at multiple pc’s to be able to send westward this turn. Starting to do my downgrades now.

Turn 3
Lost 2121 to 400HC of the south kingdom and he moved to 2119. Luckily they are destroying the camps. I will recamp them as soon as the camp limit is reached. I sucessfully raised my tax rate to 73% and will leave it there until the camp limit is reached when I will lower it for the loyalty boost. I tried for some more spirit gold but only was chased away again in two places. I will revisit them later. Created 2 camps out of 3 attempts. Named a C10A10E10 now up to 20 characters. Moved my armies westward to combine at 0810. I have a total of 400HC 1000LC 2400HI at 0810 in three armies that will combine into one and march westward. I know this shows up on the
Forest Ranger’s map. Little will he suspect that I have recruited 3800 troops in three turns. If he sends out 400 troops to block I will overrun his army.

Turn 4
Lost 2119 to the SK as expected. Sucessfully moved my main army to the Forest Rangers capital at 0711. He has two armies defending it totalling 1600 troops. I posted a camp at 0810 so I have a supply point for my army following this turn. Named a C40 and now have a full roster of 21 characters. I posted one camp with an army commander and created 1 camp (via emmy action) out of 2 attempts. Doing well on camps so far. I am recruiting more troops to send westward as re-enforcements.

Turn 5
Ran the numbers and figured I could take 0711 which I did. He had 1500 cavlary there so he may have conjure mounts. I do not understand why he had not tried to block me before I moved into his capital in the first place. He left me almost 700 mounts in the stores at 0711. I moved in 700HI re-enforcements there and have another 1000HI due next turn. I created 1 camp out of two attempts. I would have more attempts if I didn’t move my emmies to hexes with camps on them already. He moved two armies to 0711 totalling 1200 troops. I will just take them out while I recruit at 0711 and move more troops into the hex from 0810. I am still funnelling in 1000HI a turn from 1108 and 1211 via combining in 0810.

Turn 6
I captured one of the forest ranger commanders and moved in another 1000hi to 0711. The Forest Rangers is only throwing HI at me so it looks like I can start focusing southward soon. To gather intel, I am now picking up my palantirs so I can use them. I will put them on my two straight mages. I created 2 camps out of two attempts one of which was 2212. I moved to recamp 2119 but the SK beat me to it. I will deal with him shortly.

Turn 7
I love it when a plan comes togther. I combined two of my three armies at 0711, recruited more hc and marched it forward to 0612 which is the Forest Rangers last MT/tower, while the smallest one attacked and more re-enforcments for me moved in. I should have enough to take 0612 and severely cripple the forest rangers if I don’t eliminate him. He has two town/towers with no armies on them that I need to take and he is out of the region for good. I lowered my tax rate to 60 to help the loyalties at my lowest camps since they were almost at the point of degrading and to bump
the loyalty at 0711. Created one camp with one attempt. I keep on moving my emmies into hexes already occupied.

Turn 8
Captured 0612. Finally got the gold (14000) from the spirit encounter at hex 1410 after being chased away two previous times before with other characters. If the Forest rangers doe not have hire for free, I am bankrupting him from the amount of small armies he has been hiring. The camp limit has now been reached as both my failed to place camps. I will shift focus southwards after this turn. I have been improving some camps to villages with my other emmies and am considering using my top emmies offensively since the camp limit has been reached.

Turn 9
Finally have my first Lord Marshall. I don’t know is the enemy will fall for it or not being as his name is Marshall Brugrug and he is a lord! But hopefull it will give anyone I run into a good scare when he is in charge of my army. I moved my armies onto the last remaining Forest Ranger town/towers and found that one of them is now a village/tower. He could be out, or had his emmy degrade the pop center so that I would not get tax revenue from a village. I was pleasantly suprised when I was able to plant two camps with my emmies as I expected them to fail. I have gathered cav supplies at 1211 and will recruit cavalry there so that my march southwards will be swift. I don’t know what to do with all the foot troops in Harlindon as it would take a while for them to march south being unfed. I have finished doing all my downgraded against all the free in the game.

Turn 10
Excellent turn. Captured the last two fortified Forest ranger pc’s and flipped his village in the mountains. He has a sinlge village left at 0712 that I will deal with at a later time at my leasure. If I have not eliminated the Forest Rangers, He is draining his other nation in the south to keep him alive. Improved a number of camps to villages and moved a lone emmy out to try
to place camps. I figure that one or two emmies can try to place camps each turn so that if any spots for camps open up, I will be sure to get one. Afterall, I have had 21 characters since turn 4 and any enemy can have at most 15 characters(except for the SK). I moved all my armies to combine at 0711 and determine what is best to do with them. I have nearly 4K troops there and don’t want to just retire them and replace them with new recruits elsewhere. I scried the south to see if the bridge is up at 1614. I will scy further south to see what Dunland has in defense. I am going to ignore the Dark Elves in Mirkwood since I have not had him mess with he recamped Moria.

Turn 11
Hoorah, the camp limit has opened up. I created one camp out of two attempts. My Tax base is now up to 70K (if at 100% taxes). I have almost three whole pages of pop centers. Combined armies at 0711 so that I could send two armies out (one huge and the other small) so that each could be fed
with minimal food each turn and I could get full movement from each. I got about 5K troops to 1010. By doing that, it won’t take long for my army to reach my next target of the White Guard in Dunland who only has 800 troops defending his MT/tower at 1921 and his capital(mt/fort) at 1922. He only has those two major towns (according to the info from my palantir shot of his capital)so if I take them he is out of the game. I figure it will take three turns to get the about 7K+ troops southwards to 1921. Transferred timber to 1211 to build warmachines.

Turn 12
I wonder what my ally the Sunspear Riders thinks of my armies traveling through his town at 1513 to get to the south. One is led by my phony “Lord Marshal” and the other is lead by a Regent.
I did a Palantir of my follow on target after the White Guard is taken care of in a few more turns. The Circle of Might only has a City/fort at 1426 with 800 troops and no other MT’s. Either that is an error, or he has transferred his backup to his other nation in order to keep it in the game. I will have to do more palantir shots of the are to be sure. Created one camp out of two attempts. It seems that only an E80 is capable of creating camps since my E64 has failed twice in a row. I hired an army at a camp in the mountains at 1623 to hopefully draw away defenders from 1921 or even 1426.

Turn 13
Moved further south along the road and now have two armies at 1716. I hope this is just off the northern edge of the White Guards turn map so he doesn’t know I am coming. I have a combined total of 1947HC 106LC 4657HI and 13 warmachines that can reach 1921 this upcoming turn. From my palantir shot of 1921 I see the Sunspear riders has three armies already at 1921. I hope he doesn’t take it as I want to capture it as a forward base! Created one camp with one attempt, my best emmy is now an E82. Did a palantir shot of 1227. There is only a town/tower out there with no harbor. Rats, I would have been able to invade that via naval landing with my ships anchored at 1211. I don’t have enough transports but I produce almost 2k timber a turn so I could build as many as I might need.

Turn 14
Darn. The Sunspear Riders won that battle last turn and must have either threatened or flipped 1921 so my army arrived there and can’t take it. Instead, I get to fight two White guard armies with a Sunspear Riders army defending. The 500HC re-enforcements I was sending south only got as
far as 1715. There I was blocked by 1400 troops of the Circle of might. Too bad for him, the Sunspear riders was sending troops southwards and had three armies in the hex totaling 3800 troops (from recon). My phony “Lord Marshal” was in charge so the Circle commander will most likely not challenge. I can’t take any chances as I have no other commanders in that army so I
will attack and refuse. Created two camps in two attempts. Out of Curiosity, I did a palantir of the SK capital and found that he had 2715 and 2924 at MT and above. It is also good to know that the Circle of might only has one City to take. Also by sheer chance I cast LA on a random artifact and found an agent artifact #65 was possessed by Lugronk near 3710

Rob emailed all the DS and asked if we wanted to pickup a DS nation. One of my games had ended so I picked up the Tiste Andii in the Rhovanion region. The Tiste Andii has the following SNA’s:
New commanders start at rank up to 40.
Hire new armies at no cost.
Uncover secrets at minimum 40.
Can learn lost conjure mounts spell
The position was under attack from the Ice Queen (Iron Hills) and had a forced tax rate raise to 83% on the previous turn. I issued some defensive orders to try to salvage the position this turn by getting the characters back to the capital along with an aid shipment of timber from the North Kingdom. The position was down to a tax base of 25K(at 100%) and 11 characters that was very mage heavy.

Turn 15
North Kingdom:
Won my first challenge in hex 1921 and got a good aligned 750 weapon. The Circle of might had 1400HC at 1715 but it was easily defeated with the amassed troops in the hex. Created two camps out of three attempts before reaching the camp limit again. I transferred a village and 3k leather to the Tiste Andii to give him a bigger tax base. I was able to move my army to the White Guard’s capital which has a loyalty of 100. After I take this I will use it as a forward base from which to attack the south Kingdom and the Circle of might. I did a lore spell and found that Lugronk is a DS character belonging to the Wild Hunters so that arty is off limits.

Tiste Andii:
Lowered the tax rate to 60%. The Ice Queen moved the remnants of the 2000HI to the village tower at 3812 so I will lose that. MY blocking army of 400HC didn’t run into it and ended at the now enemy camp/tower. I will threaten that and try to block again. I will conjure as many mounts as I
can for economic reasons. I see a free army at 3414 but am not worried since both bridges are down out of 3612 so no armies can reach the capital from the south. My only concern is the fact that only 700 troops of the Ice Queen are at 3812. Where did the other 1300HI go?

Turn 16
North Kingdom:
Captured 1822 and split off a number of troops so I can capture 1722. I moved my decoy army to 1722 with just enough food so I can transfer troops and transfer command to be able to march my army up into the mountains. I am glad I moved that army out as I now have two foreign characters at my village. MY guess is that they are agents. I scryed the FP capital at 2317 and found it belongs to the Old ones and he only has three MT’s and also scried 1426 and the Circle of might has no defending army there. He does have 1300 troops next to it and the Wild Hunters has an army of 1100 troops next to him so if they fight my army will be big enough to handle the remnants and still take the pc. Created one camp out of three attempts. From my recon, it looks like the Sunspear riders has 2500 troops inbound to the old ones so I don’t need to worry about him at the moment.

Tiste Andii:
Lost 3812 to the Ice Queen who moved eastward? Still don’t know where the other 1300HI went. Threatened back 3710 and now will threaten back 3812. I now have enough troops to repulse any attack and need to mount some kind of offensive against the Ice Queen whose capital is in the northeast corner of the map. Named two characters a C45 (bonus command rank) and a M30. I named the mage so as to trade mounts from the Tiste Andii to the NK for other supplies from the NK for the Tiste Andii to sell.

Turn 17
North Kingdom:
Captured the White Guard town/tower at 1722 along with the Sunspear riders and I was the one who ended up with the pc and stepped up into the mountains in hex 1823 along with my other army from 1822. I scried the 2224 area and found a number of unfortified villages and a MT that I will be able to take in a few turns once 1426 is dealt with. The Circle of might has now moved an army on my village (hex 1623) where my decoy army was two turns ago. I will lose that village but have a dilemma since I don’t have an army covering 1822 to prevent emmies from flipping it. I moved my best agent westward to assist the Tiste Andii against the Ice Queen army by scouting it and following it. Created one camp with one attempt. Moved my phony Lord Marshal’s 400HC to take 2119 but instead of a village tower have found a town/fort! Darn, now I will have to move to 777HC that was going to move 1822 next turn instead to 2119 to take it out. I am giving another village to the Tiste Andii by letting that nation influence away one. My other scry has revealed a battle with the SK and Kelvar Holdings at 2715 and another one next door between the Old Ones and Rising Sun. It looks like they are holding their own so I will continue with my main focus on the Circle of might while trying to stop the SK from gaining any ground with my former holdings. Sent
another aid shipment to the Tiste.

Tiste Andii:
Threatened back 3812 and moved to 4012 but the Ice Queen destroyed it so I could not threaten it. Created one camp with one attempt and named an E30 so now am up to 14 characters. Received 7K leather and 3K bronze from the NK so I can sell some and recruit HC with conjured mounts. I will now be able to mount an offensive against the Ice Queen.

Turn 18
North Kingdom:
Lost 1623 to 1000HC of the Circle of Might. He must have conjure mounts with the amount of cav that I have seen from him lately. Built 6 warmachines and moved My 777HC to 2119 to take it as my threat failed like I thought it would. The Sunspear Riders also moved an army of his into 2119 so I am fairly confident that we can take it even though there is a SK army now defending it. I combined both armies in the mountain hex and moved it next to the Circle of Might City/fort. I will threaten his camp and move to take the city. He knows that my army is huge so he knows he will be losing the city. Especially with him facing another Wild Hunters army at 1527. My scry of the gap has now shown me that the blasted SK has improved 2121 to a city/castle! I do not know what to do about that with my main army now on the other side of the mountains and soon to be out of food. My other scry of the Old Ones’ capital shows only 1300 troops defending against 4000 of the Sunspear riders so I still do not have to worry about the Old Ones as it looks like the Sunspear Riders has it in hand. My agent Successfully rescued the Hostage from the Ice Queen army commander and released her. No camp attempts as I am improving pc’s and going to use 1822 as a forward recruiting base.

Tiste Andii:
Received another aid shipment from the NK. No Ice queen armies on my map so now will focus on recruiting HC for an attack on the Ice Queen. Posted a camp in the ruins and improved a number of pc’s including the capital to a city. That should be able to hold off any attacks for the time being. I now have the ability to conjure 810 mounts per turn with all my mages.

Turn 19
North Kingdom:
Captured 2119 back but the Sunspear Riders ended up with the PC. Oh well, he will really like the production from that hex. The SK moved another army into the hex. From my recon it looks like we will lose this battle. Threatened the camp and moved my main army into the Circle of Might’s capital and scried it with the palantir. He only has 1426 and 1227 as Mt and above and he only has 1800 troops defending it. Even if the army is 1800HC I will still be able to take it. Sent cav supplies to 1822 and improved it to a MT so I can recruit HC there instead of way back at 1211. Created one camp with one attempt. Scried 2321 and found an unfortified MT at 2222. Scried 4302 and found three MT/forts of the Ice Queen.

Tiste Andii:
Sent shipment of mounts to the NK at 1822. Transferred around troops and now have an all HC army ready to march out. Named a M30 and created one camp in one attempt.

Turn 20
North Kingdom
Major Catastrophe :eek:. Lost three of my characters at 1426 to assassination :stab: including my king character! Now I only have my main army commander and a single backup so I could lose my army this turn! Also I forgot to sell food and my tax rate was forced up to 70. On the bright side, I
was able to take the city and the fort was knocked down to a tower. Lost at 2119 as expected so now have two more commanders that I can have move and join my main army. I don’t like only having a single backup commander. I transferred another village to the Tiste Andii and failed to send 5k gold due to the failure to sell food. I did get the mounts and other cav supplies to 1822. Am now set to send my two best agents to the Ice Queen capital at 4401. I am also going to send my emmy company to 1227. Now have 18 characters and a tax base of 105K and 3 and half pages of pop centers.

Tiste Andii:
Lost an army commander that was guarding my pc when multiple agents sabotaged the tower at 3811. Created one camp in one attempt. Raised my tax rate to 70% to get my finances in order. Received another village from the NK. Could the Ice Queen have an inbound army to the capital? Will move
out my 1300HC defensively down the road to run into any army and if I don’t I will be in position to hit his outer town/tower at 4301.

Turn 21
North Kingdom:
Improved 1822 to a city and am now recruiting 500HC there every turn. Lowered my tax rate back to 60%. Got my army out of 1426 and another backup into it. I caught the agent that tried to assassinate the commander and got E Mere Vardo from him before he escaped. My emmy company
commander was assassinated so the only emmy that reached 1227 was the lone emmy that I was going to have join the company there. Will send more emmies there this turn. Going to tranfer command of the army so that it can’t be followed by any other agents and move it eastward towards all those unfortified villages and MT’s by 2224. Continuing to improve pc’s. My scry of 1227 shows no army and only that one city and no other mt’s. My other scry of 2121 showed only 1000 troops so I know I can out recruit the SK since I already have 1000HI and 800HC between two armies at 1822. Found only one character at the Ice Queen capital.

Tiste Andii:
Lowered tax rate to 60.Got some nice intel from my palantir shot of the Ice Queen’s capital and found out that the unfortified MT at 2222 also belongs to the Ice Queen. He only has 500 troops at his cap under a single commander. My cav army is in striking distance of 4401. There is a free army now at 4007 I will move an army to block.

Turn 22
North Kingdom:
Both agents failed at 4401. Maybe they need more training as they are in the low to mid 70’s. Moved my army east to a COM village at 1726 under a different commander while the newly hired 100HC army has enough food to get at least a turns full movement east. It isn’t enough to get to 2224 in one turn so I may have to split off the cav. Lowered the loyalty at 1227 to very good so I doubt my other emmies will be able to flip it before he hires an army. My scout picked up a Kingsman so I will challenge him. Named three characters, two got bonus mage rank so I am now at 21 characters again. M palantir shows that It looks like the Old Ones are history as the Grunge and Sunspear are all over him. I am glad the Sunspear Riders also have a cav army on the south side of the mountains.

Tiste Andii:
Cav made it to 4301. I doubt I can hold it so I will burn it. My 800 man blocking army made a complete circuit but the unknown freep didn’t move from 4007. Was he special serviced? I will move to intercept this turn. Named another commander, now up to 15 characters. Tax base is now 35K at 100%

Turn 23
North Kingdom:
Trained my agents by stealing gold at the Ice Queen cap from my scout, the loyaty there is 37. Won the Challenge easily. Split off the 977HC and marched it to 2125 which is another Circle of Might Village. Have one turns worth of food in that army so it can easily reach the unfortified MT at 2224 without showing up on his recon around the MT. I just hope that the army isn’t on his map. My foot troops will follow along. All the emmies failed at 1227 as he has an army there with 1000 troops now. Tried to double Thumper as I suspect he is an agent that might have been in the hex but he was not there. Cleaned out the coffers there. The SK is a bigger threat so I will continue east against the softer targets than 1227.

Tiste Andii:
Flipped 1411 from the NK. Destroyed the town/tower at 4301 and moved the army to 4401. I will take out the army there while my emmy tries to flip it and the other NK emmy moves back in. Looks like the Enedrim have been assisting as 4402 belongs to him instead of the Ice Queen. How the hell could my food purchase fail? :confused: I only tried to buy 11 food but, The product bought was changed because the amount was more than market levels? I did not know there is some kind of limit of how much food is available for purchase. Of course the the enemy army moved in an unpredictable way! It is now at 3910. I have enough armies that I can cover all avenues of approach.

Turn 24
North Kingdom:
Damn. Double whammy this turn. How did the enemy know I was going to split off my infantry at 1822? They assassinated the commander who was going to be in charge of the infantry. Also, the Enedrim flipped 4401 after the Tiste Andii army took out the Ice Queen army there. My agent assassinated the former army commander and my scout shows no foreign characters in the hex!
Moved the cav to 2224 and it is now an Old Ones city with 800 troops defending it. I will chance it that he doesn’t have all cav there and will capture the pc since it is his only one(from palantir). My other palantir of 2121 shows only a Sunspear riders army. I gathered all my timber at 1822 and will build war machines while moving out to 2121 with 2800HC. I will do a combined arms attack at 2121 next turn with armies and emmies. Need to get the army out of 1822 as there was multiple enemy agents there. My footroops have found another COM village to capture at 1925.

Tiste Andii:
The Ice Queen is out of her homeland as all the pc’s belong to allies now. I do not know where the freep army disappeared to. I will send the cav back to the capital and can stop recruiting as the threat has been mainly removed.

Turn 25
North Kingdom:
Captured 2224! Luckily, only 400 of the 800 were cav so I was able to capture it and still have about 300HC left. Even better, he left me with enough cav supplies to replace most of my losses! Hopefully, that also put him out of the game. My 2800HC ran into a SK army in the gap at my camp
at 1920 so my attack will have to be delayed. Have a foreign character at 1920 so will double him in case he is an agent. I don’t want to chance any challenges so will just refuse and attack. Got a good readout on the SK: Major Towns and Cities revealed: 2121 2924 3124 2438 4424 He is on
par with myself since I have the same number of MT’s and cities.

Tiste Andii:
I consolidated armies and disbanded some HI. Named an A30, improved some pc’s. Sent 2K mounts to the NK. Can’t find any other Ice Queen pc’s in the north so I am fairly confident I am safe now.

Turn 26
North Kingdom:
I have a foreign Character at 1822 and have had numerous thefts so I will challenge her. I am glad I doubled Purple Rider at 1920. She tried to do an assassination but failed. The SK was beaten badly at 1920 as between me and the sunspear Riders we had almost 4K HC vs 2500HI. My army of
684HC made it next to the Ice Queen’s last MT at 2222. I bought enough food to be able make two attempts to step up in case he blocks. He knows I am coming since that army is at a village of his. Meanwhile my foot troops have found an Old Ones village at 2325. Starting to work on some victory conditions, I located the artifact I need to get and bought some mithril. My agents successfully scouted and followed the SK army at his capital so I will take a crack at him next turn. I know there were some DS at 3024 last turn so this will help them out. My recon of the Ice Queen capital shows an army so I will attempt to double more of his characters.

Tiste Andii:
No threats, so named another A30 and will look for my next target.

Turn 27
North Kingdom:
Killed the emmy? via challenge at 1822 and moved out another 1000HC 1000HI with 14 more war machines to hex 2020. Was blocked again from getting into 2121 but the sunspear riders has 2200 troops there so I think he has that handled. I finally upgraded the sunspear riders so if he stops at any of my pc’s he will get fed. I lowered my tax rate to 39%. Doubled Xa of the Glacier
and moved my 684HC into 2222. I will take out the army and flip the pc. My scochar found numerous DS characters at 2222. I don’t know who they belong to since all I got was their names with a period. Damien. Scaba Bloodeye. Belina. Evvard. Tehol Beddict. Desmond. Fovia. Abbot. Bethany. Amali. Imralion. Borlach. I hope they know my characters are there and they don’t assassinate any of my guys by mistake. Kidnapped the SK army commander at his capital.

Tiste Andii:
I got a rumor of the fall of a strategic site so I think 2121 fell to the Sunspear riders. Named another two characters and my palantir of the SK cap shows the following MT’s: 2924 2438 3012. Looks like my next target is 3012 as a fed cavalry army can reach 3012 from 3711.

Turn 28
North Kingdom:
LOST MY #@##!^%$ BEST EMMY AGAIN!!! :mad: That really BITES! :mad: Torqan Zoth was the assassin.Moved my armies on the south side of the mountains together at 2324 (another Old Onds village) so that I could combine them and step up into the mountains. Moved a little character to 2121 to confirm that it belongs to the Sunspear riders but was surprised that the SK still owned it. I flipped 2222 and got it at a good loyalty without losing anyone! My emmy squad moved to the SK capital and I am really in luck! The Wild Hunters has an army there with 1100 troops vs the newly hired 500 troops SK army. If he only attacks and takes out the army there I have enough emmy power to flip it especially since the loyalty is only 64! I am crossing my fingers on this one! The SK now has the following MT and cities: 2924 2936 4424. Upgraded the Grunge. Have to move my army back to 2121. I hate to backtrack but I must.

Tiste Andii:
LOST ANOTHER #@##!^%$ EMMY AGAIN!!! :mad: Why are they so successful at assassinating my emmies in their 90’s??? I can’t assassinate a character over a 60 and yet I lose my 90’s! Named an A38 and starting to gather intel on artifacts that I have known about. Up to 20 characters now.

Turn 29
North Kingdom:
WHAT HAPPENED AT 2924? :confused: WHY didn’t the Wild Hunters attack??? Even if he had only 1100HI and the SK had 500HC he would have still won and we might have flipped the pc. I lost two of my best agents, my prince and another agent, to assassinations at 2924. Moved my other army up into the mountains at 2423 and will be able to threaten another Old Ones town. He has to be really hurting by now. Kidnapped my second SK character at 2924. I am really, really upset that he didn’t attack. Doubled Borthand of the Sunspear Riders and since he is in an army I will have an idea as to what he is doing from now on. Have two Ice queen double agents. I don’t know how the Ice queen is still in the game with all the damage done to that nation. Moved my cav back to 2121 will capture that along with Sunspear rider armies. Looks like he will get that one too! That really sucks losing both 2119 and 2121 to him but he will have more troops at the end of the turn so I will deal with it.

Tiste Andii:
Moved emmy company to Minas Ithil and it belongs to the Rising sun. Looks like the east side is all DS now. I don’t know about the interior of Mordor yet. Recruiting HC for a strike on 3012.

Turn 30
North Kingdom:
Captured 2121 and it ended up in the Sunspear riders hands as expected. Threatened 2423 and stepped down from the mountains into 2422. Doubled Ablish and Balkhmog of the Sunspear riders. They need to be careful as Purple Rider is still in the hex. Getting ready to march on 2924 now. I now have 20 characters a tax base of 127.5K (at 100%) and 4 and half pages of pop centers.

Tiste Andii:
Some enemy emmies are visiting at 3806. Will lose the camp. MOved my emmy company into 3113 to get a recon of the area. South Kingdom and Ice Queen are at 3012 and 3112 respectively. I hope the village tower at 3111 belongs to a DS so that My cav can reach 3012 this turn as I am moving
out now. From my palantir I found the following SK MT’s and cities: 2438 2936 4424. Up to 21 characters and a tax base of 57.5K (at 100%)

Turn 31
North Kingdom:
Gathered almost all of my troops into one army at 2421 that I can drop on 2924 next turn. The SK has the following PC’s: 2924 3012 4424. Scratch 3012 this turn and 2924 next turn.

Tiste Andii:
Mad it into 3012 with 2394HC and some war machines. I will capture it and march forward to take 3112 next turn. Lost the camp to emmy action as expected. Am now researching and locating artifacts and got lucky and found Tinculin is held by Myrtle at or near 3327.

Turn 32
North Kingdom:
Enemy agents are now at 2421. I am glad they are one step behind me. I made it to 2924 with 3733HC 49LC 3591HI and 59 war machines between two armies. The Sunspear Riders showed with an army of his own. We can easily take it. I know the bridge is down so I will have to wait a turn to rebuild the bridge. My palantir of the interior of Mordor shows that the Punishers is alive and my next target. I know he has MT’s at: 3626 4025. My agent’s scochar at 3112 found too many DS characters to list!

Toste Andii:
Captured 3012 and moved to 3112 and will capture that as well. Located a mage artifact not held by someone at 2808. Researched a few more that were weapons. Moved the turn map west and will start moving it southwards next. Tried to Kidnap Shirzun Arto but someone assassinated him first.

Turn 33
North Kingdom:
Captured the SK capital. Will transfer timber there to rebuild the bridge and march to hit the punishers next. Hired a cav army at 2423 to take care of the remaining enemy pc’s to the south of the gap. Palantired all the approaches to 3723 so I know there are no towers in between. Continue to improve my pc’s.

Tiste Andii:
Captured 3112 but my allies influenced it away from me. I could have used the pc for revenue. Moved my emmy company to 4424, a SK city with no army on it. I will try to flip it and move to one of the other previous hexes that were his. Got the encounter for the 10 point mage arty.

Turn 34
North Kingdom:
Transferred around troops so I have an all cav army and an infantry army. Gathered enough timber to rebuild the bridge and march across. Moved 400HC to the Old Ones town at 2124 and will capture it. Interrogated my SK hostage and found out that the new SK capital is at 2936. I will palantir it this turn to find his other remaining mts. I know that the Sunspear riders own 2927 since my double agent is recruiting there.

Tiste Andii:
Picked up the Blue Ring. Lowered the tax rate to 39%. Moved the turn map southwards and now can see the xx21 row Flipped 4424 on my first try and got with a 50 loyalty! Picked up the Blue Ring and located true #86. Moved the emmy company to 4413 which belongs to the Enedrim. Oh well, I guess I lose a turns worth of orders. Moved my cav to another unknown MT at 3214 and found it belonged to the Kelvar Holdings. I am running out of targets. In order for my cav to get anywhere it will need lots of food. I will move back to 3012 to prevent the emmies from flipping it.

Turn 35
North Kingdom:
I rebuilt the bridge and had agents on both sides of the river guarding just in case. Moved both armies across and into Mordor. I held the cavalry up at 3324 so as to not be obvious that it would be able to reach 3723 next turn. The infantry reached 3124 and has food for one more turns full movement. My 400hc captured the Old Ones town and marched to a Circle of Might village at 2025. I will head towards my MT at 1426 to recruit and deal with 1227. I am migrating my many Tiste Andii agents in that direction while they train their ranks up. Got the Pukel encounter for my VC artifact. My palantir of 2936 only shows 100 SK troops and no other mt’s. I found more of the Circle of Might at 3529. Once I have taken care of the punishers I will head to take out South Mordor as well.

Tiste Andii:
Moved my army back to 3012 to recruit and figure my next target. Training my agents and moving them to be within 12 hexes of 1227. Another turn or two and they will be good enough to 615 or 620 with decent chances of success. Tracking Tinculin and it is now at 3333. Found some more weapons via research. Moved the turnmap as far south as it can go and now can see the xx23 row so can see the Punishers capital and backup.

Turn 36
North Kingdom:
My scout for characters found a huge number of characters at 3723 when my army reached it. I am tired of losing pop centers to influencing so I will destroy it an put a camp down. Then next turn I can buy food and step up to take out 3722. I have 53 war machines in the army so the castle is toast even if the loyalty there is 100. Got a good palantir of all the punishers MT’s and found he has a hidden one at 3823 so I need to get the best Tiste Andii mage with the mage artifact to learn reveal hidden so I can reveal it in three turns. I slowed my foot troops so that I could catch it with a newly hired cavalry army with tons of food arriving out of 2924 next turn to hex 3524.

Tiste Andii:
Picked up the palantir with my best mage and will hand it off to the NK this turn. Will have him join the company so that he can learn reveal hidden to reveal 3823. On a lark I located the of the Witch King again and Lugronk still has it and he is at 3723! I know that he is Wild Hunters so I will give him a suprise gift. I now have too many palantir that I can use. Researched another two weapons and another Mage artifact! Also checked to see if the southern bridge is up at 3333 and it isn’t. I can see why… The sunspear riders has an 8000 man army at 3232 and the Grunge is at 3333. Should I send them timber to 3333? Would they use it to rebuild the bridge? I will have to think on it. Moved my emmy company to the Punishers capital.

Turn 37
North Kingdom:
I wonder what the Wild hunters thought when he saw I transferred him the palantir? I destroyed 3723 and re camped it. Now I will buy enough food to step up into 3722. The punishers moved an army in defense and ran into my foot troops and resupply army at 3524. I am glad that I recruited more than 100 troops so that if he attacks I won’t lose the 22000 food in the small army. My cav in the Enedwaith region will reach my MT this turn. Moved the mage company to 3611 so that it can move to reveal 3823 in another turn. It looks like Xa of the Glacier escaped from being hostage as he now shows as a foreign character in the pc report. haha. I have a kidnap target for my
agent in the army!

Tiste Andii:
Emmies had poor luck at 3722, got the loyalty there to normal. Passed off the palantir to the NK and researched Ancaruin. Why couldn’t I get lucky and locate or research a decent agent artifact? I have 4 agents that will move into 1227. At least one should get lucky.

Turn 38
North Kingdom:
Moved into 3722 so that will fall this turn. Won at 3524 as expected, the remnants will move towards 3529 but will only get as far as 3527 or 3627 depending on which way I go. Will continue on improving my pc’s and will start recruiting cav out of 1426 so I can take care of 1227. Put 12 war machines into that army. Kidnapped Xa of the Glacier of the Ice Queen at 3723, bet he loved to see that on his turn. Sent 30K food to the Tiste Andii at 3012. Found out that the town at 0712 belongs to the wild hunters.

Tiste Andii:
Failed to flip 3722 so the NK will have to capture it got the loyalty to rebellious. The Grunge owns 3228. Researched reveal character, will research reveal pop center and cast it this turn. Found three Wild Hunters emmies at 1227 and two Circle of Might commanders. Will target the
commanders and hopefullt get lucky.

Turn 39
GAME ENDED but still submitted orders.

North Kingdom Final stats:
Tax base 195K at 100%
5 pages of pops
Armies/Navies : 32864
Pop Centers : 11250
Characters : 38880
Gold reserve: 113012

Artifacts held:
Thrakurghash Scimitar 39
Palantír of Annúminas Orb 52
Palantír of Minas Ithil Orb 86

Tiste Andii:
Tax base 72.5K at 100%
2 pages of pops
Armies/Navies : 9941
Pop Centers : 4250
Characters : 35680
Gold reserve: 173228

Artifacts held:
Palantír of Orthanc Orb 179
Blue Ring Ring 196

Scavenger - thanks for the detailed report. It’s interesting that we didn’t run into each other except a couple of major character battles where I had to high-tail it out to avoid getting killed in the crossfire (1822 & 2121). You clearned NW and then went southeast through Dunland, Gondor, and into Mordor. I went due south. We complemented each other’s campaigns quite nicely. Sunspear Riders helped both out it seem!

If you’re interested, I’d like to exchange final .pdfs. Grunge had 500 points (most pop center points), but if I read your report right, you had a higher 100% tax base? maybe loyalty does figure into it? Anyway, it would be interesting to look at.

thanks and great game.