FA1000 Game #145 has Started!

Now that game 145 has officially started I would like to introduce myself as the ancient and honored elven nation of Lothlorien (Player 3).

To all my fellow Free People allies I say welcome to the team! I’m on a roll with winning the various games I’ve been in over the past year so with your help I fully expect game 145 to continue the tradition.

To the various neutrals in the game I invite you to contact me directly to establish diplomatic relations. My email for this game is: lothlorien145@adhenterprises.com.

And, to my Dark Servant opponents I pray that Manwe and Varda may grant you the quick and painful death you deserve (or, at least, help us make this a great game)!


P.S. Thanks to Rob and the gang for getting Game #145 going!

Checking in. Ready to start.

The neutral Nurn Freeholders of South Mordor here. Contact info: lechipman AT DOMAIN comcast DOT net

SK here. Looking forward to a good game one and all.

adamonmars AT yahoo . com


North Kingdom
Suraklin98 at yahoo dot com

luck to all


vroom, vroom. Start your [war] engines!

You can reach the North Mirkwood FP nation here:

gbundy (at) wowway (dot) com

Good hunting everyone!

  • Glenn
  • Anduin Vale

several neutrals still missing. I am a DS and i am looking for some contacts expecially from my beloved neutrals (please send me a PM).

Well, Turn 1 has run. Are the FP ready to surrender?

John of the DS

Our steel shod response is marching your direction as we speak. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We appreciate you sending us the horses! Always a nice gesture -

Jz for the Hasharii


Foetida Pedibus checking in.

I can be reached by all envoys at: klub at eircom dot net


Message sent Paul