Face to Face Event

Face To Face w/end - it’s that time of year where we prepare for the FTF
w/end. Ideally I’d like to run it on the w/end of 17th -19th September (in Cardiff). (It could be other w/ends at a push but I want to find out if this one is available for the majority of you). Get back to me with; yes, probably,
unlikely, no (or other dates that you are free around that period).

Each year I think we’ve improved the format and fun for everyone but as
usual if there’s anything else that you’d like to see then get back to me.


Alan J. is a yes. Wil reply by email too. Just need details so I can get sorted. Missed the last one becuase of a ruch job.

I would love to play a FTF again, but the timeing is bad.
Will have to wait untill next time though (Next year? :(), unless MEGames want to take the trip to Denmark once again.
Comeon Clint, just the trip in Chris’s spiffy Jaguar should make the trip worthwhile :wink:

What time on the 17th does it begin and what time on the 19th does it end at ? Need to know for sorting flights.
Is there a B&B or whatever near by or is it a case of bringing a sleeping bag and sleeping on the floor ?

So Brendan McGoldrick is a possible…

Brendan McGoldrick

Alas Chris has got rid of that Jag

Ask him what he drives now!


Denmark - it’s upto you guys to say you want one and get the players really. Next time we’ll fly I think… :slight_smile:

Starts mid-afternoon (around 4/5pm) on Friday and usually tapers off around 4pm Sunday but often players hang around to chat about the w/end play boardgames and generally chill out. Lots of discussion about the game often occurs.

B+B near by but floor space is also available if you want a cheaper w/end.


I helped arrange the last FtF in DK, and if someone out there would be interested in helping me, I’d be happy to participate in organizing another one (most likely to take place in 2005. Clint ?)


Count me in Ulrik

Early 2005 is fine by us. As that’s a long time in the future we generally prefer if you guys organise a group and then if you need extra get back in touch. Someone losely mentioned a farmhouse. :slight_smile: I still remember the drive (with some fondness of having reached the ground speed of 150+ mph) but also the extensive holidaying - 5 minute trip outside the scout hut to the local Pizza place - … :slight_smile:

Also nearly throwing up on the way back due to the speed and turns, and just catching the ferry; not to mention customs… :slight_smile: A little less stressful this time around please guys… :slight_smile:


Indeed we learned a lot from organizing that FtF. Rest assured that better facilities for the foreign players is on the to-do list :slight_smile:


Okay we’ve got 14 up for this and 8 possibles - so if you are interested then get back to me. Players love it! (Us, well it’s a tad hard.).

We’ve got a few new players join us this year so that’s great.

Have fun


Ok guys, decision time. Could all the ‘possibles’ just sign up - you know you want to :wink:
And the date is approaching fast and us foreigners (anyone else from abroad coming ?) have to make travel-plans and book flight tickets soon to get them cheap.


Ideally I’d like to run it on the w/end of 17th -19th September. So far 18
have signed up. I need around 3 more and then we can confirm the date.
It’s quite possible some of the Cardiff GM team will be turning up to play
I’m working on them at present (got Stu and Ed to agree).


After long domestic negotiations I’ve been allowed to particpate
in the fun 17th - 19th september. Two other danes are presently
conducting similar negotiations, the outcome of these are unresolved
at the present, but if they work out you will have a full booking.

Excellent - if you can get confirmation to me off list that would be great. Cool - we can have a Danish contigent… :slight_smile:


Does that make them responsible for breakfast?

Regard the FTF in DK.
Count on me for one nation only, I think I can convince my brother to play aswell. Guess it will be around Copenhagen again!!.


At present I’d like one of you guys to organise the FTF in Denmark - as we doubt we will be able to cover it for the short term I want to focus on one FTF at a time. Anyone want to do that?


FTF okay we’ve got 23 players for this now. A couple of those are GMs and I think we might get some players join - so get in touch if you are interested. We’ve got 4 Danes coming so that should be cool.


4 ?? I thought we were 5.

Beware the viking invasion :slight_smile: