Face to Face Friday 1st Dec - Sunday 3rd Dec

Hya all.

Just a quick reminders there are spaces left in the FTF event I’ve done some modifications to the set-up and you 'll have the +10 ability to 2 character rule in play. :stab:

If you’re up for it get in touch. Got some of the GM team turning up - maybe just to socailise so… :hug:

Check out the Kin strfie Module in the flesh as well. :omg: :woot:

Clint (GM)

Dear Clint,

Then we would need to get our turn 0 in advance. When will we recieve that or at least getting told which nation(s) we will play ?

See you guys friday for a nice weekend…

Yours Kim Andersen

Can these +10s be added to any skill, regardless of how high it becomes?

Nope - usual rules apply. +10 for any characteristic (even if 0). No stat above 40 and no stealth modifiers. You won’t get the turns before hand generally though.

Looking forward to it now it’s all sorted.


Can we scrap the +10 bonus? I thought it was generally agreed last time that it favours the DS too much (and god knows they have a lot going in their favour at the moment).

Upto you guys - I think in this format it will be fine. What do you want - maybe have a quick chat on Friday?


My laptop has wireless and a CD drive but no 3.5" disk drive. Will it be possible to transfer turns to it?

We’re using USB - download the files to a data disk and give out. Can you cope with that?

We’re too skint to afford Wireless… :rolleyes:

Clint (GM)

Or perhaps you’re unwilling to allow the treasures of your data to be exposed to passing hackers with a wireless laptop …

Not sure, I have USB but haven’t used such a device.