Face to Face UK

We’re aiming to do a FTF in Cardiff on the 17th-19th Feb. We’ve got some people flying in from outside the UK (some from the States) so ideally I’d like to know if there are more players coming so that I can confirm.

It’s a great w/end of gaming, if you have any questions then get in touch.

Maybe some of the guys who’ve played would like to comment/cajole? :smiley:


But Clint after the destruction I wrought on the Corsairs last time who would want to come and face me at such an event.

The players never talked to me since that game.


We’ve got around 10 signed up so far - (awaiting replies from around 20 more, of which half are probables to very likely).


Vandal I recall that you were in pieces yourself and the game ended with you desparately defending Vamag from the combined might of the Corsairs and Cardolan. Oh how time fades all (your) wounds !

I think YOU WQILL FIND THE qa lost not a single pop centre in the game and how many did the Corsairs lose?

Now with the dragon and agents on top of your armies the question omes to mind, do you think I ever thought about defence?

I think not and the turns never lie though the memory fades.
