Face to Face UK

I’m trying to get a feel for how many people we could get for a UK FTF in the coming months. Preferably around the beginning of September before UK term time starts again would be best (provisionally 1st-3rd September) We could do late August but that’s quite near in terms of planning.

How does that fit with those who would like to come?


Count me in :smiley: I might even know what I’m doing this time :wink:

Unfortunately Clint, term time for me is the 1st of Sept!

I’ll be interested in a Xmas one though :slight_smile:


Tina and I are on holiday, returning the first September wekend. The second weekend or later would be better for us.

What about half term? When’s that Bryn?


Cant make Clint, covering at work. Any chance u making it the weekend after mate plzzzzz

We’re not doing it in September - too close - I’m trying to get Bryn to reply when he’s free - when I know then I can organise something.


Cool am holding a weeks holiday back from work now… No way Im gonna miss this one after the Feb decacle…

Dont u dare make it half-term. She’ll kill me if I disappear for a weekend when the kids off school…