FAS 403, Grudge Variant

Well played DS. I think the DS have an edge in the game, but haven’t won the game. Another 10 turns and the FP will have turned it around, or the writing will be on the walls. This turn should be quite fun for both sides I think.

I take it back on the “fun for both sides” comment. :slight_smile
you DS got all the rolls at 1712. dangit
Well played.

With no excuses, i have noticed over the years that DS always seem to get the upper hand on the spy vs. spy (MAD anyone?) encounters. probably just observation bias.

Jeez you guys aren’t hospitable at all at your capitals. That was a nasty thing to do in Umbar’s heartland. Two Regents gone? Impressive!


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Don’t challenge my characters Jeremy

Well, I’m not sure how much longer our team will want to continue as you guys have definitely taken a huge lead. Congrats on your success.

Well, you guys have given us a good run, no question, and have put in some sharp play, and have had some very bad luck with agents. When it does end, I look forward to de-briefing.


I just got the news from Clint that game 403 is over.

I want to thank your team for an excellent game! I know it is more fun to win than lose but I hope your players got to enjoy themselves. And your assault on SK popcenters and the burning of the 3024 bridge was starting to cause us real worry!

All the best,


What? You guys are conceding?

Ok, I guess I understand how turn after turn of pummeling can get too frustrating.
Thanks for an enjoyable game. :smiley:

Would you consider joining up with my teammates to start up another FAS? It may take some time to find opposition, but we’d certainly like to fill up our ranks with Dave and/or Jim or any others from your team.

Would you like to share post-game info? PDF’s? mail?

Scott Baltes