Fast turn around game

I need a player (or players) to play 6 - 12 nations with a fast turn around to test the new process program (1650) and feedback bugs, printout errors etc.

Any takers? Reduced turn fee (say upto 1/3rd the cost depending on numbers playing?) It has to be at least 2 turns a week and ideally more. More details if you’re interested.


Okay I’ve got 14 nations picked up (split amongst 3 players) and some more interest. Ideally if we can go with 4 nations per player that would be best.

So if you see details that are wrong etc you need to document them clearly so that they can be fixed.

So not;

There’s a bug… can you fix it…


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Arumor’s army move failed to move 14 movement. I checked the food (pc for 2,500 and 10 food in the 2,000 army so) and everything was correct and can’t see why it was stopped.

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The economy should look like this:

+5,000 gold for taxes - it says 3,500 (I think it’s because the sieged town is incorrectly taking into account).

That sort of thing. I might be able to get another player to join you if that helps. Fast play rather than accurate play is what I need, but also feedback on errors.

How does that sound?

Clint (GM)

Okay that’s 20 positions I’ve got filled 4 more to go. Any takers? Then I don’t need to play so can keep a holistic view of the game.
