Fatal Riddles

Is this riddle always fatal for FP or do you just need high challenge rank?

Thanks ~

Melkor Forevermore.

Answer: (Bobbins) Morgoth (a character can be killed in this riddle even if he gives the correct answer).

I lost two freep characters in a game to this riddle – finally mamaged to get the darn artifact by parking Elrond on the hex and doing 900 – think it took me three tries doing 900 for both orders

So it’s possible to get artifacts by using 900?
Guessing it takes high mage-rank?

If you arrive at an artifact spot and didn’t get the encounter (… encountered the entrance an obscure trail which can be investigated) , can you still do 290?
I know you can do 285, even though you havn’t gotten the encounter (if you know what it’s about…).

You can try the 290. In the event somebody else got the message, I believe that whomever happens to go first at the 290 (various random mechanics…) will actually do the investigation. I’ve 290’d without messages and I’ve 290’d NOTHING after getting messages before… It’s called a Race for a reason, and there’s more involved than plain speed…tie-breaking is possibly the tricky part… :wink:

There are Fatal Riddle(s) at least one, where if you answer it right you die. Its not the Melkor forever one (I’d have to go back and look it up) and it kills you even if your a DS nation. The one I’m thinking of killed WK a char. I dont think your challenge rank helps.