Favorite Turns

This is a thread for you to display your favorite turn. No matter what type of accomplishment it was, feel free to show your stuff! Please include a description of why it is your favorite as well.

My favorite turn is from a Gunboat game where I played the Dragon Lord/Corsairs. Im this game several things went well for me including an encounter for Maben that sent over 20k in gold to my cap! But, the best was yet to come when I got a Dragon encounter at the right time. See combat message.

I had a GB game with Mike Johncock, where we played 11/20, and landed at RoW hex, we scouted Ringling there, and stole his mage art turn 3, then we killed Tharudan turn 4 (and got +20 stealth art), turn 5 we captured 1407.

Of course naughty Noldo swept in and took RoW, but we think Sinda mage and stealth art, and Tharudan dead was a fair trade…

Doesn’t beat your turn though… did you manage to retaliate after that?

Removed the attachment… no clue why I had it attached :slight_smile:

Unfortunately no. Ended up losing my cap a couple turns later, but still felt good to take out all those FP troops and killing those commanders!:slight_smile:

My favorite turn was way back in the GSI days. Before ‘Teams and Fairplay’ became the beall-endall.

In one game I was the BS. The Easterlings were commanded by a prisoner. So, turn number one and I get his note, prison address. Having some knowlege of life behind bars, it was not difficult to conclude he was probably a newbie and certainly would not have access to expert advise. As the old Chinaman, Sun Tzu, once noted: “Know your enemy”.

Sent him a note back that was absolutely innocent of intent to the civilain reader, but contained a deadly insult to a convict. The intent was to anger him (another Sun Tzu maxim) and provoke him into rash behavior. The ruse worked beyond my wildest expectations.

The Easterlings sent every charchter he had, with agent ability, to the BS capital. They were all 10 to 30 agents. These attempted to assassinate Akhorihil, who was an army commander. Nine Easterling charachters were killed by the Nazgul in one turn. This triple hat trick remains my personal record—and is probably impossible to replicate these days.

Oh, yes, the BS went on to conquer Eastland-south. Did I mention this happened before Harley got ahold of the game?

I once had a neighbour upgrade relations to me and ship me money the same turn I attacked him as a neutral…

I once had an ally argue passionately for the strength of archers, and after giving up the conversation, watched 4300 of them or so die against the walls of Cameth Brin.

Joined the DS as Dun, had the mages learn curses with WK right away and hit the Dwarf with them and my 1 agent scouting. We Challenged 3 and cursed 1 character, clearing the Dwarf capital on turn 9 - castrated the nation from that point on.