
NK may be reached at

All emis are welcome.

jz 1

Forgotten Realm has opened its borders to emissaries from all nations.

please contact me at:

We will be available at a moment’s notice.


Mountain Elves checking in.

FP send greetings to all, even the DS… who I was mistakenly acquainted with. :slight_smile:

Jason Vafiades

No worries. I think we’ve finally got it sorted out Jason. :wink:

The wrinkled hags and the brutish men of the Kruwos Coven here. We welcome emmisaries of all nations to the dark eaves of our wood. Please contact me at your leisure.

The neutral Lowlanders checking in.

Our realm lies in the old realm of Northen Harad, below Pelargir, and we expect it to remain our land.

We can be contacted at

Nuriag checking in. Neutral nation in Rhun.

The witches of Enedwaith are here to stay, we recently set up home on the beautiful coastline and wish to invite everyone to our first beach barbecue to discuss alliances and any new recipes that anyone would like to share.


oh yeh heres to a good game for all

Twainek cheking in.
Our doors are open to our friends and new allies.

We can be reached by messages to

And to all, including our enemies, have fun!

the orcen nation of Kra-took checking :slight_smile:

hope to have a great game :slight_smile: and hello to new freinds and allies and even you elfies :frowning:

Forgotten Realm missive to the Dorwinion,

I have requested a missive from your nation given the fact that you have a major town/tower within one hex of my beginning pop centers. To date, I have not had a reply from you or your teammates other than the freeps that did not join with you.

I await a declaration of your intentions. If there is none forthcoming, then accept this as my terms: should you have an army occupy that majortown/tower I will consider it a de facto declaration of war by your nation against my neutral nation and I will react accordingly. Should any free people army icons land on my pop centers unannounced I will declare your lands forfeit and do what I must to bring about your ruin.

I am not looking for a fight from your people. I wish to be left alone. If you do not contact me, I will have to suspect the Silence-before-Iron approach of diplomacy.

again, i may be reached at

Should your allies read this note, they may reply on your behalf. I await your emissaries.


The Romentir checking in. Interested in hearing from all alliances.

landru at gmail dot com

To the nations immediately abutting the North Kingdom,

Much is to be discussed where it concerns the creation of camps. We desire not to waste time or engage in a bickering match over who has rights to camp a specific hex after the fact…

Our desire to camp specific areas should be discussed. If we do not hear from you understand that we intend to camp where our emissaries land, if that costs your nation an order we feel this is b/c you have chosen not to engage us in dialogue.

We will respond if you camp in our area w/o permission to do so or camp in a hex where our emissaries are already placed. This is not a threat from our people, but a stated desire on our part to camp where we can.

This is our “on boards” attempt to make dialogue happen. We will also pursue off board methods.

Kaagen of North Kingdom

jz 1

The Ereb Gweth here… finally back from vacation, relaxed and in fighting trim, raring for a good game. All communication welcome, from Neutrals especially, for we have great hopes of allying with them.

Greetings to the Dark. Perhaps our ambassador’s can meet on the Witch’s beach for that BBQ, we can smoke cigars and trade veiled threats. It will be fun! :hug:

I will be using my Gmail account for this game: rgullon [at] gmail [dot] com

Freedom for all! (Whether they want it or not.)

Ron (Ereb Gweth)

It seems that the Original ruler of the Lowlanders has departed these realms.

The Lowlanders are under new management and can be reached at

I look forward to entertaining emissaries from all nations.


I`m Lúcio from Salamansrilion. Just checking in (I little late, I know)

You can contact me at:

Good game to all

Dark Servant,

You know who you are, and you know why I am posting this. Please explain your intentions. Silence will be considered a declaration of War. If that is in fact the case, I hope for your sake that your teammates are in support of your decision.


I’m not suprised you haven’t heard anything…the DS are not talking to me at all…


Perhaps I should adjust my methods…DS if you have any interest in recruiting a neutral nation it would behoove you to contact more than once the first turn of the game.

I certainly enjoy the emails the free have been sending me, we even managed to get mad at each other and make up already…

Imagine…people talking to people…how amazing…

jz 1


I sent you a private message on saturday about that. Did you receive my e-mail?


Yes, I did receive your communication. If you follow the plan you have laid out, then there are no further issues concerning the matter at hand.


To the nations of the 4th age,

The North Kingdom formally recognizes a treaty with the governing body of the Forgotten Realm. Our nations now function in total concert and with a like mind to see our futures entertwined. This powerful union of neutrals let no nation disparage.