Yo Vandal, you promised me a roasting and (thumping the table) it is a roasting I demand.
Sort my captain out and perhaps he will unleash the dogs of war to do so.
Captain? Vandal don’t need no stinking Captain. Vandal done thumped his chest like a gorilla and now he is slinking off. Ha!
Much as Vandal likes to beat his chest he still has to follow orders.
Now if you are playing in 84 where chest beating vandal is captian then you might be facing that whipping we are dishing out
Very well, when you are ready for dawn ubder the oaks give me a buzz. Until then better stick to the 84 thread. Someone, doubtless the Captain, can’t run with the big dogs.
Now what would you want to do under the oaks?
I am not sure I am that kind of nazgul.
But I hey when you lose a nation on turn 2 and come back from your holidays to it, well even the big dogs will struggle.
I am good, but as to whether I am that good, well thats another matter.
I thought CC was supposed to be an expert on WK/Rhd warfare. Now one is dead and the other is hanging halfway down the rope, with NOTHING remaining in Angmar. And I have not met a single DS assassin yet. What do i need to do to get some attention around here, trash through the black gate myself ?
Do they really exist, or are they a figment of your imagination.
The game ends. A salute to our noble DS foes. Best regards in the future to Andy, Frank, Alan, the two Criris and our other worthy opponents.
Now, I guess we look for a new game.
Well who won this game? Ed and company or Vandal and company?
The FP wom this one and I was on that team. Vandal remains a frustrated Chef.
Congratulations to the Free Nations then.
Alas now what can I say we lost this one turn 2 and that no lie.
I would just like to say that this is not my company only as it does an injustice to the man whose company it was.
Myself I think after turn 2 we should have not dragged it out for you and given you the game but I am but one of many and you have to play these things out.
In future I will stick to grudge games I lead and then I can unleash the horrow of total war.
But you won and having known you would for some time it still makes it no easier given the setup we had.
Dear Vandal,
I played NG/Corsairs and was looking forward wiping CL capital next turn and storm into Mordor, when the game suddenly ends. I was nearly in shock, as I though this game would last for several years, noy only turn 15. I know it was a major setback for you to lose IK turn two, but you guys kept on fighting and I was never sure on our victory, not even when Rhudaur collapsed as well.
Can you please enlighten us what on earth was going on, in your team. Because the way I see the situation you still had a lot of very healthy nations and you controlled the market completely. So I dont see why you would already conseed now, unless of course you had major internal problems.
Will Andy make an article on this game, which he stated before it started ? I really hope so, because I really like to have some more info.
Also will you guys be interested in swapping turns ? I’m really curious on how your remaining nations has been buiold up and how your economy looks.
Kim Andersen (NG/Corsairs)
Well some of our nations where indeed very healthy.
Alas I am not free to talk about the reasons for defeat as I am not the captain and therefore I will say no more.
Could we have played on, well I am sure we could, could we have won, well we still had a chance but you where favourites.
Indeed the fact is I had you winning this game after the IK not so much because of the loss but the of the ramifications in the mindset after it.
We had great players and played badly, I myself did not think we gave you the game of it we should have.
I myself have no problem with swapping turns but ask Andy as i will go with whatver the captain and team go with.
I would challange you to a rematch but I would have to rebuild a team to do so and running one grudge side at any one time is enough for me.
To the victor goes the spoils and the spoils are yours
Dear Vandal,
Well, some times the “Real Madrid way” is not the way to go. All teams need a “Thomas Graversen” type to be successful
So how do I contact Andy ?
Well my own team does not have the best players but still they win, so what does that tell you other than I might agree with you.
Well I assume your team captain has our team captian details and will leave you to sort out the rest as I have other fish to fry in games I can win.
Final results posted. First: Kim Anderson. Second: Ed Mills. Third: Mike Sankey.
Again, thanks to the DS for the game and best wishes to them in the future.
Alas this was the first and last fling for this team you will not see it formed again after this