Fourth Age Game 45 ended

Hey folks,

For the terminally bored, game 45 has ended!!! The Dark Servants have won the day with a strategic victory over the Free Peoples. I played the ViceLords in Khand area, an agent based nation. This game went 30 turns with the unanticipated truce/alliance of the Free and DS against the Neutrals who were making a team of their own. I am not looking to reopen that discussion by the way, it is mentioned for the purpose of clarity. Anyhow, once all the neutrals declared a side or were defeated, the Imperia nearly won the strategic victory himself…as a neutral. He very nearly had us all by the tail.

In the end, we had five DS nations against the Freeps, who in their war with NK lost two nations at our last tally. I think the Valinor had SS’ed the last two turns of the game. Anyhow, a much enjoyed game I think for all.

I would be willing to send my final pdf to whomever is interesed.


I played the Macabre in Rhudaur for this one…and there is no way in the shadow realm I would share my embarrassing venture in this game with another soul…I played pitifully and had it not been for the great play of other nations I most assuredly would have been vanquished.

To my allies, thanks for everything.

jz Mac

:slight_smile: Congrats to the DS.
Indeed Imperia did prove his cahonys and skill.
Perhaps a glimpse of potential & industry if at another place or in another time?
To swim against the current is always perilous.