Fourth Age Set-up Feedback wanted

Hya guys we’re possibly looking at some of the issues that occur when setting up in 1000 game. The guys in the office have done a rough draft for a potential change to the way set-ups are done and we’d like feedback. Get in touch with your name to me directly or via here is fine so that you can take part in this.

Clint (GM)

Big Doug Checking In,

Doing a deal right now for a game I think you’ve number 48.

Hi Clint,

given the great fun I am having in the FA Gunboat game, I am likely to join more of that in the future. Count me in.

While I haven’t played a FA game since the 1st year it came out, I think some of the ways of improving it would be as follows.

  1. Allow more Pop centres at the start, to allow the economies to grow and bring back the military option from the beginning.

  2. Limit the maximum starting stats of characters to say 50 on any one stat.

  3. Not sure if this one is possible, change the map. Either zoom in on one area, similar to BOFA but on a grander scale, or replace the map with Belariand in the 1st age. This would bring back the feeling of exploration. Don’t produce a full scale map for players, let us discover it.


Sure thing Clint. Let me take a look at what you guys have got.

I’ve always liked the idea of 4th age, and I’ve enjoyed playing it.

I would be happy to look at whatever you’ve made changes wise.

Sorry don’t know who you are so can’t send it on… get in touch off list if you want.


Oops forgot to sign hehe, I’ll send an email.

Shayne Gray.


I haven’t played 1000 in a long, long time because I didn’t like it.

(1) get rid of the +20 assassinate order.
(2) don’t give the kingdoms the recons of other nation capitals.
(3) add one more neutral to each alliegence. Three sided games tend to be unstable and the alleigences need more strength.
(4) start the neutrals as “neutral” to each other, not “tolerated”.
(5) if you disperse the nations by REGION, give extra camps to those nations in the more miserable regions, perhaps 5 extra camps if in the northern wastes, Angmar.
(6) Don’t allow darks to start with 60 agents, period. For that matter, I wouldn’t allow any rank to exceed 40 at the game’s start other than mages.

Bradford Fisher

I wouldn’t allow any rank to exceed 40 at the game’s start other than mages.

Bradford Fisher

I see the attraction to this point, although the watering down of set up potentials would certainly bore-away some players.

Brad Brunet

Sure, I’d like to see it.


Rather than have two (or multiple) places where we are discussing this I’d like one place, ie a Yahoogroups that I have set-up, where anyone interested in discussing or seeing the points raised can contribute. That way we should get a better understanding of what players want etc.

So if you do want to contribute just get in touch and I’ll add you to the YGroup and we can have a good old chat. :slight_smile:


Hand going up.


Gregory Bair here Clint. Please send me a mail regarding the details of the Yahoo! group. You have my contact information. Thanks.


Hello Clint,

If you still need opinions then I will take a look at what you got.



I would also like to take a look please?

Hi Clint,

can you add mee to the list as well please.

Dave Pearson