You would not have eliminated any more nations, Murazor cursed only two characters (maybe three) and those characters that we cursed were pretty meaningless to the overall scheme. Plus, we would have recruited Murazor withing two turns anyway as we had plenty of money contrary to what most the free nations think.

I know some people like to know who won or lost, and I play to win, not just to play a game. But if we want a winner or loser than lets make a winner or loser. Start turn zero two weeks in advance. Bang out fifteen turns over two days then continue the game if we don’t have a clear victor. I guess that is not the point of the face to face.

The free outplayed us and we got lucky in the first five or six turns. But I convinced our team to still play for the long haul and not just fifteen turns. We had slightly different parameters in the game. We thought we were beat when the Witch King was eliminated, had it been a normal game where we could not have got him back we would have continued to play and found out we did not need the Witch King. Picking up the Witch King in my opinion hurt us more than it helped us, and it was my idea to ask for the nation back.

The idea of asking for the nation came from me when I heard about some unknown player that managed to bankrupt Rhuduar in a face to face on turn three (can’t quite remember where I heard that information) but they reinstated the nation anyway.

Congrats to the free. Sam said you won. I accept his decision but I still liked the position we were in. I doubt you would have eliminated more than one more nation throughout the rest of the game, if even that. But that is my opinion.

Tim Huiatt