This was my first FTF and it was a completely different experience than the traditional 2-wk game. The speed of communication and information throughput is simply amazing, especially for 2-nation players. As Bob Turkot said…it is kinda like Stock Trading…intense!
I played Rhudaur and managed to survive until turn 10 when the last MT fell. Tough position to play… given the FTF format. You simply do not have time to coordinate with the WK where to block, especially when each is playing another nation. Tim Huiatt/BS ran the Dark Louies for the first ten turns simply because there was no way for me to handle it and aid the WK who was playing the Dragon Lord too.
In this game, the FPs took the initiative with an invasion of S. Harad by excellent naval movement. This disrupted the DS strategy of militarily winning the south, holding Mordor, and delaying in WK/RH. We eventually did overcome in the south, pushing the CS to the sea on T15 (he had taxes at 1% with 2MTs (one with a HA army on it), 4 characters left (with assassins on 2).
The DS team was definitely playing for the long game to gain points towards the victory decision, building up agent and curse characters including offensive emmisaries. On turn 15, we had:
20 >A60 agents with 5 more A50s either CL or with >20 stealth.
18 >E60s
1 curse squad and 1 sickness squad
The CL alone had 39 kidnaps/assassinations! NG was down to 2 characters and SG down to 3 characters, moving their capitals to avoid a nation elimination. On T14 we InfOther’d 3024 and crossed over onto 2924 on T15. We were winning the character war!
The impressive bit was that we had over 50 camps in S. Mordor/Khand and the camp limit still not reached. So market manipulations really netted the DS a fair amount of cash with production. The winter was especially hard, hitting right during crunch time on turn 5 through turn 12. A fair number of villages were upgraded by T15 and economies were starting to flourish. Rhudar even named a few new characters.
However, the FPs did get on top of Morannon with Scorba and raze it to the ground! And they successfully suicided the Dragon Lord backup at 3822 enough to weaken his economy that one turn he was suddenly -13K and bankrupt. We swear that we checked and he was okay the turn before…and then whammo…out!
To add insult to injury, a gold transfer to the WK was errored, Mt. Gram fell to Arthedain/Dwarves/Cardolan and 1-2 marginal camps faded before the NatSell… taxes up to 101%! Still with 1804 and 2305! That said, the Free Peoples played that masterfully. Continual pressure. Constant hammering. Sooner or later someone is going to make a mistake. Both were eliminated on T11.
Even though the DS were rallying in Mordor and had the CS, NG and SG on the character ropes… the FP still held the economic might and it would only be a matter of time until the Arthedain/Cardolan HC started crashing into the recamped Morannon. It would have been a fun game to play out 5-10 more turns to see what would have happened