G75 Sinda signing in
While not my best individual game, this undoubtedly was one of the most enjoyable scenarios in years. The format of everyone in contact, but only once a turn was a winner as was the listing of allies still active. To allies and opponents alike, thankyou for making it a good competition. I think both sides suffered from some dropped nations, but in general the war was decided by active nations fighting each other.
For my part the intial game had me and the Dragon Lord kicking each other. He took 2608, 2709 and 2915 weakening my economy heaps. I revealed and took 2908, but my mage was eaten by a worm. The Dwraf took goblin Gate. I seiged 2715 twice and he seemed to have died an ecomonic death.
Next major game effect was to recover Noldo quitting, collect all his goodies and offer them and my items to Dunland. Not sure how crucial this was to his decision, but he went FP. He got vilya, tinc, staff of bronze, orb of seeing, bracers of mist, anguriel and a few others I canāt remember. He supplied some double scouts to my agents also which became crucial later. I know the Noldo dropped because of the reply when I spent 30000 gold to recruit some of their characters!
I then hit Morrannon with some Dwarves from memory. We take the place, but Sauron just happens to be there and cooks our armies leaving the commander and easier assassins target. Dog lord kills a couple of my better characters giving him some comfort for his capital loss.
I pop over to Dol Amroth with SG planning to double some agents. I kill Erennis, get the RoW, capture a CL emissary and hide the pop centre. I do it as much to boost allied morale as anything, but the result is a real win. I give NG 2514 which the IK revealed and then promptly died. Hopefully it will take the enemy some time to find him. I return NG capital to NG after emmies take it and I kill the carrier of the RoC here. It was my VC pop tooā¦
With Guelph the Dun agent now carrying the RoW his scouts are amazing. My would generate 200+ stealth in the hex was scrambling all scouts as is evident when CL didnāt kill me at 3622, but we didnāt see him. Now we get all non agents and 95% of agents too. 3624, 3426 and mainly 3622 are visitied.
I have a mixture of capture and killing. The 2 big emmies I captured were locked in 2908 for 15+ turns, but escaped 2 turns in a row. I suspect LR or CL tracked them and freed them from my hidden prison, which I was hoping you couldnāt do. Bothing getting out on consecutive turns was suspicious. Apart from those two I had 3xFK, LR and WdMn captive. The woodmen was to be released at 2816 for NG to recruit.
The Dk Lt suffered most at my hand. I killed about a dozen of his guys at 3622, most very recently. 4 more guys had just arrive including Bolvag, Feagwath and Carrog. All were due to die with emmies doubling the agents and them my agents ganging up 2-1 on each ā¦
I think my strongest ally was Dunland. Thankyou for the scouting for my agent squad all game, except when you killed Borhan Good job in smashing the Corsairs too. NG did great to hang in after so much pain while the rest of our team was supportive and played well. I had a fall out with Eothraim over the Khand, but see his point more accutely now. After giving Eoth a MT and temporarily hiding 3012 I ignored his plight. I spent more effort courting the Khand than the Eoth. I gave Khand his VC pop at 2614, had a lot of interaction later and was sending 7000 timber to 4133. Not sure if I was being played by Khand, but trusted he would not go DS.
I must admit I feared a CL confrontation mainly because he can replace lost agents much easier than I can. Dog gave me a good fight, but our engagements seem instigated by me most of the time. That geve me the advantage imo. Fire King also seemed well played. He had a good mix of agents emmies and armies to which I can confirm. I tasted his assassins blade, heard his emmies overtures and heard of his army exploits around the Anduin river.
In my final communcation to the DS I did acknowledge that the game could go on much longer as we need to outnumber them by a significant margin. I offered a gunboat count for victory at a turn they nominated. Iām unsure if this played part in bringing the game to an close, but I thank those concerned for a graceful end. In the 52 turns that were run I felt as though the FP were stronger for most of the game.
Nation summary
My loyal followers
Gelleste E100/s25, Carnil E98, Elnar E96, Tarmagil E96, Seleste E92/s35, Finilin E84
Elkin C60/A38, Haleth C60/A35, Ynevve C37/A18/E10, Traunil C21/A34, Sirin C14/A29, Sirion C10/A24/M14
Hathlin C10/A89(+30)/s31, Nimrid A92/s33, Ohtar C52/A90/s20, Belifil C10/A89, Zanix C10/A82, Iminar A75/s20, Pelnimloth C10/A72/s28, Neddet A40/s22, Delthinar A36/s30
My Holdings
2908, 2413, 2613, 3221 (3622 would have fallen, 11 loyalty with Eās present)
Major Towns
2712, 4413, 2614, 2816 (Offering to Beldrielle of NG), 2325
2808, 2416, 2314
2908, 3108, 2518, 3722 (Marshall Kaldurmir about to take it from me)
2608, 2709, 3020, 3221 (Elkin attempting second threat at 3121)
My Economy
26% equating to -16,000 a turn. 45228 reserves. Sales and thefts could easily cover and it made influencing away my population centres really difficult.
Handed out wood and gold to allies along with a MT to Eoth and a City returned to NG. I had orders to send 7000 Ti to 4133 and 40000 gold to 2730.
My Armies
small threat armies
3321, 3121 (With 11 remaining WMs)
battle armies
2514 (1500HC), 2816 (600 mixed)
Character influences
Beldrielle NG emmy 3128, Eowyn Eoth emmy 2339, Guelph Dun agent 3622, Hehlpme DkLt emmy 3422, Solidus Dun agent 3234, Welshman DkLt emmy 2924